I'm okay and safe at home. Thank you for all the messages and I apologize for worrying many of you.

I had a friend pick me up on his bike and felt the wind on my face and saw the water and the mountains. We drove to make another supply run for CHOP and Riot Kitchen.
I hugged people I love and care about who are building beautiful things and make real change. I put money and resources into change and spent my time helping. I sat in the gardens at CHOP and talked to Markus about the healing powers of community and gardening.
Thanks to them, I feel like I'm standing in power again.
I'm done with all this and all these people who trample over friends and loved ones. I haven't gotten through my whole follower and friend list yet but I will toss them all out. Enough. No more.
I don't care about the connections. I don't care how important you are. Enough. Anybody who isn't willing to take any amount of responsibility is out. If the people who have abused me will come out and discredit my stories, so be it. I don't care.
I know what happened to me. I will not be gaslit into not trusting myself. I will believe the women who come forward and I won't let you gaslight us into not trusting victims. Enough of all of this. The people who love and know me will stay with me. And I'll stay with them.
You are free to not believe me. I will make no attempts to stop people to walk away from me if they don't want to listen to my story. The right people will.
I will do my best to be the best person for the people around me, learn, grow and make amends for mistakes.
No more excuses for abusers. If anything, today has radicalized me more. I will not let abusers muddle the waters anymore with their lack of accountability. I will not make time for that anymore.

To everyone who came out: I love you deeply. You deserve so much better.
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