declan 🧑🏻 mckenna, 🇬🇧 i'm 🤞 not 🙅 happy 😤 with 👅 you 🍇 today. 🙉 you 🥭think 🤔you 👿can 🥫 quote 💭 me 😛 in 👽 a 💅 tweet 🤳 and 🧤 not 😧 even 🥑 give 🥎 me ⛺️credit? 🍑 do 🐔 you🧑🏻 think 🤔 you're 😼 funny, 😹 mr. 👽 declan 🧑🏻mckenna? 🇬🇧 well,🪓 i'm 🙍🏻‍♂️ not 🎃 laughing.
😧 in 💫 fact, 👅 i'm 🤬 livid! 😡 you're 🤷🏻‍♂️ going 🌵 to 😭 credit 👏 me 🥑 in 🤞your 🥫 tweet 💭 right 🥭 now, 👴🏻 or 👁 i'm 🤷🏻‍♂️ going 🎟 to 📍 have 💅 to 🗡 pursue 😛 legal 👿 action. 💞 ... what 😤 did 😧 you ❎ say? 🦶 💥 oh, 🤭 shit. 💩
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