How it feels to be a ash girl. Tag yourself.
1. Trying to get every peep of Ashton in the back in a live video, mostly during Luke’s close-up, ash will be in the background, mostly blurry but it still kills you.
2. When he does gets a close up, you scream the shit out and replay that bit 100+ times.
3. Randomly click one of his drum cams just because you had a bad day.
4. You have this video in your personal album, yes you do, don’t be shy.
5. You treat his vocal like it’s your lottery wins bc it’s so rare to have. You watch every vid with his vocal in it over and over, even if it’s just a verse or a line. Best friend is your anthem.
6. You deny it when people say you have daddy kink but you do have daddy kink.
7. Your cheat lane is calum.
8. You are sassy and sarcastic but inside you’re a vulnerable lil shit and very insecure.
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