To survive working in the gaming industry @rachellipstick and I constructed rules to keep us safe.

It still does not have a 100% success rate.
1. We NEVER go to events alone! If one of us can’t go, we find someone else who can. 2. We ‘fake’ drinking by ordering sparkling waters with lime. 3. We leave early and never without the other person. 4. We never text anyone without us both on the chain.
I’m humbled and inspired by all of the courage shown. Gaming and esports needs to be safe. For everyone. At all times.
We should not have to proceed with caution just to attend a work event or monitor our behavior because of others bad actions. We’re lucky that we have each other to help us out. ANYONE who ever needs help or support- we are always available.
You can follow @breannehp.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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