Reading Jenna Ellis complaints on biblical Christians being silenced by the liberal woke. Should maybe point out a #BLMprotest in Pasadena was partially led by my Baptist church, full of Bible reading, theologically erudite, historically aware & compassionate, devout Christians.
If anything, our faith & our calling to serve in that faith makes us want to stand up & first, ask for forgiveness for our silence & second, speak our against the violence done to other children of God without redress. To protest and speak out is as much a part of our tradition.
If anything, the historical tradition has been to speak against power when power is wrong & needs to be corrected. Ambrose, Francis, Beckett, Moore, Luther, Day, Bonhoeffer, MLK, all were thoughtful theologians speaking against the wrongs of power long before “woke” culture.
Theologically, salvation is equallyand free for all people. Politically in our country, justice is not. We cannot be a just nation or a great nation until we are a nation who sees the humanity of POC and LGBTQ people. They don’t want to take our faith, they want their humanity.
If your faith is built on the judgement & inequality of this world and not on the compassion of grace, then you have a flawed faith built on sand. Small wonder they worry they will have it taken. They fear confronting what the other means for that faith. Anyway...Jenna Ellis...
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