Doctor Who marathon continues: Series 1, episode 9: the Empty Child.

Shoving it all under a hashtag to be muted as people see fit.

Ah, sweet, I finally get to understand the 'are you my mummy' thing. #JaeWatchesDW
...I don't think I want to understand it anymore. #JaeWatchesDW
Finished The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Really enjoying this series so far. Calling it quits for tonight because I work at six in the morning. Probably pick it up tomorrow and finish off Series 1. #JaeWatchesDW
Work sucked.

Back with Series 1, episode 11: Boom Town. #JaeWatchesDW
Noooo I fucking hate the Slitheen. The design creeps me the fuck out. #JaeWatchesDW that's what Thirteen was talking about when she said she turned a Slitheen back into an egg. #JaeWatchesDW
Finished Series 1! That was really good, barring some outdated CGI and questionable creature designs (I'm gonna have nightmares about Slitheen now).

I really enjoyed Eccelston's Doctor. Definitely different than the ones I'm used to, but still great. #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW Something, courtesy of the unbelievable levels of flirting in those last few episodes...I'm kind of annoyed at how, when the 13th Doctor was announced, they were all like OH YEAH WE'RE TOTALLY ON BOARD WITH GIVING HER A FEMALE LOVE INTEREST (1/2)
...and now it's been two series, 13 is probably on her way out soon, and...yep. I mean, I didn't honestly believe they would, but I'm kinda annoyed. Don't tell us you're on board for something and then don't do it. #JaeWatchesDW
Heey I'm back. Heading into David Tennant's run, starting with The Christmas Invasion.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda tired of Rose already. But that's to be expected; I rarely like the companions. The current companions are the exception. #JaeWatchesDW
Okay, let's see how many episodes I can get through before I start thinking in David Tennant's voice.

Starting with Series 2, episode 4: School Reunion. #JaeWatchesDW
Series 2, Episode 5: The Girl In The Fireplace

Well, this looks creepy as fuck. #JaeWatchesDW
Series 2, Episode 6: Rise of the Cybermen

Not fond of Cybermen at the moment. Mostly because I'm still bitter about how series 12 ended.

*starts muttering about cliffhangers in series with large gaps between seasons* #JaeWatchesDW
I'm gonna start a "Jae Wants To Punch The Companions" count. #JaeWatchesDW
Taking a break. Currently at Series 2, Episode 9: The Impossible Planet.

Wondering if I'm familiar with all of the modern Doctors enough to try and rank my faves. I mean, 13 is at the top, she's absolutely "my" Doctor, but it's really hard to rank the others now. #JaeWatchesDW
Crave: We just added Series 12!

Me: Bold of you to assume that I am in any way emotionally prepared to watch that right now.

With that said, back to try and finish Series 2. Starting at Episode 9, The Impossible Planet. #JaeWatchesDW
I really need to keep an episode list open. There's always at least one supporting actor that makes me stop and go WAIT I KNOW THAT PERSON and then I have to Google because it distracts me. #JaeWatchesDW
Speaking of which...

*Googles cast list for episode 11*

Heading into the Series 2 finale. Gonna call it quits for the night after this. #JaeWatchesDW
S2E14: Doomsday.

Okay, the Cybermen/Dalek pissing match is kind of hilarious. #JaeWatchesDW
I can't watch this freaking wall scene without thinking of the meme that adds in Jensen Ackles making a ridiculous face. Cue me giggling through what's supposed to be a serious, heartbreaking scene.

(Also, I really need to find that meme). #JaeWatchesDW
Ow. I needed those feels, you jerks. #JaeWatchesDW
And that's Series 2 done. I liked it. Glad to be moving on to a new companion, and Series 3 has all of the 10th Doctor episodes that I've seen before (have I mentioned that my first episode ever was Blink?) so it'll be nice to watch them knowing the previous stuff. #JaeWatchesDW
So when I left off, I ended up having weird dreams involving the 10th Doctor for three days in a row and decided I needed give my brain time to calm down.

Also I had to watch The Baby-Sitters Club, which was amazing.

But I'm back now. #JaeWatchesDW
...okay, no I'm not, because apparently Crave got rid of all of the series except for 11 and 12?

What the actual flying fuck. #JaeWatchesDW
Y'know what? Fuck it. We'll work with what we've got.

Series 11, Episode 1: The Woman Who Fell To Earth.

Gonna get the negative out of the way first: what happens to Grace is bullshit and I will die on this hill. #JaeWatchesDW
I adore Thirteen's entrance. Falls through the roof, pops into frame, theme starts playing. #JaeWatchesDW
Speaking of music, I love Segun Akinola's score. #JaeWatchesDW
The Doctor pouting because she can't have the lights and siren on 🤣 #JaeWatchesDW
Tim Shaw? #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW Me during this entire crane sequence:
Total. Bullshit. #JaeWatchesDW

Series 11, Episode 2: The Ghost Monument

*insert more squeeing over the music*
I like Angstrom. I wish we'd gotten more of her. #JaeWatchesDW
Y'know, I still really don't know how I feel about how the TARDIS looks in this run. #JaeWatchesDW

Series 11, Episode 3: Rosa
Someone wrote a thread a while back documenting all of the signs of Ryan's dyspraxia. I just thought of it because they pointed out a bunch of stuff from this episode. And an excellent rebuttal to people who say they just forgot about it. #JaeWatchesDW
The second-hand embarassment is so high in this episode. #JaeWatchesDW

Series 11, Episode 4: Arachnids In The UK

The scene where the Doctor's trying to pretend she's okay with being left alone (" you wanna come for tea at mine?" "YES I WOULD") is probably the moment I fell in love with this incarnation. #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW Me during the scene in the spider-infested apartment:
Another shout-out for the music because I fucking LOVE this score. #JaeWatchesDW
"Are you Ed Sheeran?!" is the reason I can't see or hear the name Ed Sheeran without dissolving into giggles. #JaeWatchesDW
I really don't like that the Trump wannabe gets away with no comeuppance. Walks in, shoots the spider, gets away with being a complete asshole for the entire episode. It's unsatisfying. #JaeWatchesDW
And calling it quits for tonight. Yay 6am work shifts. #JaeWatchesDW
...the whole thing is back on Crave now. What.

Screw it. I'm finishing Series 11 first. Then I'll go back and start Series 3.

With that said, Series 11, Episode 5: The Tsuranga Conundrum. #JaeWatchesDW
Not great at livetweeting this series because I'm too focused on actually watching the episodes plus I've already watched it multiple times.

Anyway, Series 11, Episode 6: Demons of the Punjab. #JaeWatchesDW
...I still want to know what happened with the death-eye turtle army. #JaeWatchesDW
I'm not crying you're crying #JaeWatchesDW
My brain is currently a big ball of mush and anxiety, so let's see how much of Series 11 we can get through.

Series 11, Episode 7: Kerblam! #JaeWatchesDW

(The rest of the show seems to still be on Crave, so the plan is still to go back to Series 3 after Series 11.)
I think this is one of the weaker episodes. It has its moments, but...meh. I wouldn't choose to watch it over, say, Arachnids in the UK or The Witchfinders (my current fave S11 episodes). #JaeWatchesDW
And on to Series 11, Episode 8: The Witchfinders. Currently my favourite episode of Series 11. #JaeWatchesDW
Hey she finally remembered that she doesn't like wine. #JaeWatchesDW
I would totally forgive the Doctor if she just hauled off and punched someone in this episode. #JaeWatchesDW
Series 11, Episode 9: It Takes You Away

Okay, definitely going to try and finish this series off today. Mostly because this is the only thing that's keeping my brain from running off in horrible anxiety spirals. #JaeWatchesDW
Yeah, sure, Doctor, just stick your face in the weird-ass mirror. #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW Just in case anyone's forgotten:
Ow. My feelings.

Anyway. Series 11, Episode 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos.

Two more episodes, then back to Series 3. #JaeWatchesDW
(Paused so I could go do a snack run and then subsequently sanitize myself and everything I bought thanks to the maskless dickface coughing everywhere in the fucking 7-Eleven).
Okay, actually back now. Wear a fucking mask, people.

Series 11, Episode 10: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos.
See, now that ending actually felt satisfying.

*glares at the ending of Series 12*

(Yes, I'm still bitter.)

Series 11: Resolution (the New Year's Special).

RIP Graham's chair. #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW Me during the reveal of what's wrong with Lin:
Have I mentioned that I love the score? Because I really fucking love the score. #JaeWatchesDW
Speaking as someone who's absolutely sick of Daleks...that was a pretty badass Dalek entrance. #JaeWatchesDW
And that is Series 11 done.

So now, we jump in the TARDIS and head back to Series 3, starting with The Runaway Bride. #JaeWatchesDW
I was gonna be productive today before work, but then I ended up having nightmares about my ex-roommate and now I'm a barely functioning blob of flesh, so let's just watch Doctor Who instead. #JaeWatchesDW
Episode: *Judoon show up*

Me: *continues to be bitter about the Series 12 ending*

(I'm really annoyed by that particular cliffhanger because Series 12 was the last thing I watched before things went *gestures at everything* and...yeah. Would have liked a more solid ending before everything went sideways.) #JaeWatchesDW
I should be sleeping because my work scheduled me for two shifts ten hours apart but I'm almost done The Shakespeare Code, so hi. #JaeWatchesDW
Yeah, definitely enjoying David Tennant a lot. I didn't see much of his run originally (got into the fandom just as Matt Smith took over). #JaeWatchesDW
My brain is mush again, this time from working in the middle of a pandemic and learning that Grant Imahara died (Mythbusters got me through some tough times), so here we are. #JaeWatchesDW

Current Series: 3
Current Episode: Gridlock
Yeah, my brain is too mush. I'm having too much trouble following. Calling it quits. #JaeWatchesDW
Aaaand I'm back.

Current Series: 3
Current Episode: Daleks in Manhattan

#JaeWatchesDW that Andrew Garfield?


That is Andrew Garfield. #JaeWatchesDW
I really need this guy's face tentacles to stop moving. #JaeWatchesDW
Like, I can deal with the exposed brain and the one eye and shit, but the squirmy face tentacles are too much. #JaeWatchesDW

I never really get it when the companions are sad when they come home and they think it's over. I mean, even if I was travelling with my favourite Doctor, my response to coming home would be "OH THANK GOD BYE" followed by hiding in my room for a week. #JaeWatchesDW
Look, I get this shit from Resident Evil, I don't need it from this show too. #JaeWatchesDW
Current episode: 42

Not gonna lie, this is what summer feels like to me. #JaeWatchesDW
Today's goal seems to be to make it to Blink. #JaeWatchesDW
That moment when the show you're enjoying just drops some casual arophobic nonsense on you. #JaeWatchesDW

Blink is the first episode of Doctor Who I ever watched and I adore it (...kinda weird for someone who doesn't like jump scares, I suppose, but hey). Probably no livetweeting this because I'll just be sitting here with a huge grin on my face. #JaeWatchesDW
Checking in. Yep, definitely still love this episode. #JaeWatchesDW
#JaeWatchesDW progress tweet!

Current Series: 3
Current Episode: Utopia
Oh. I've seen this one. Well, at least I know what's coming so I don't have to deal with the "seemingly benevolent character turns out to be bad" thing. I haaaate that trope. #JaeWatchesDW
Okay. Let's get this thing started.

Current Series: 3
Current Episode: The Sound of Drums

Last episode of Series 3 and I still like Martha. Cool. #JaeWatchesDW
I really need the Master to jump in front of a fucking bus, though. #JaeWatchesDW
This show is excellent at nightmare fuel. Geez. #JaeWatchesDW
Finished Series 3. I think I enjoyed that one most out of what I've seen so far (or my sense of reality is warped from watching, like, seven episodes in a row the other day). Didn't hate Martha by the end of it. The unrequited love thing could have gone a lot worse. #JaeWatchesDW
Next up: Voyage of the Damned, which I've seen, but don't remember much aside from being really annoyed that this Titanic doesn't look like the real Titanic (the real Titanic being one of my special interests). #JaeWatchesDW
Oh nooooo they're playing one of my least favourite Christmas songs in the background. #JaeWatchesDW
Gotta say, David Tennant is looking particularly good in this episode. #JaeWatchesDW
Y'know what? I'm having fun. Let's keep going.

Current Series: 4
Current episode: Partners In Crime

Oh, here we go with the nightmare fuel again. #JaeWatchesDW
How do people function wearing more than one layer of clothes? I'm squirming watching Tennant running around in a full suit plus that coat. #JaeWatchesDW
Oh no Donna's mother sounds exactly like my mother help I came here to get away from reality (I'm not kidding, some of the things she says while she's lecturing Donna are verbatim things my mother would say to me help) #JaeWatchesDW
Oh hi there Peter Capaldi #JaeWatchesDW
Ow. My feelings. I was using those.

Anyway, calling it quits for tonight. Little bit in love with Donna, ready to be super extra sad when Tennant's last episode comes around, as opposed to mildly sad the first time. #JaeWatchesDW
I DIDN'T FORGET ABOUT THIS things have just been super stressful and we're in the middle of a heat wave that is making me want to blow up the sun and I'm just super cranky about everything.

Let's give this a try.

Series: 4
Episode: Planet of the Ood

I think, if I were a companion, my entire run would be defined by me doing everything possible to avoid summer. Super dangerous alien planet? Sure! As long as I don't have to be in Calgary during summer.


Series: 4
Episode: The Sontaran Stratagem

Not gonna lie, if I had to wear a gas mask, I would totally respond to everything with "are you my mummy?".

"Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved."

This would probably be pretty high up on the list of Reasons Why Jae Would Not Make A Good Companion. Especially with Ten. I'm out of breath just watching him. #JaeWatchesDW
Okay, the "talking of wasps, did I ever tell you about me and Agatha Christie?" line in Kerblam makes a lot more sense now. Spotting the callbacks is fun. #JaeWatchesDW
I feel like I have to read an Agatha Christie book now. #JaeWatchesDW
Fake disability trope. Ew. #JaeWatchesDW
Silence In The Library, aka the second episode of Doctor Who I ever saw because I think the person who recommended the show got a kick out of sending me after the creepy episodes? #JaeWatchesDW
...I probably shouldn't be watching this at night. Oh, well. #JaeWatchesDW
It's my friend's birthday today. So today, on behalf of said friend, whose partner would always get upset if she watched Doctor Who without her, yet always refused to watch it, I'm gonna marathon the shit out of this.

Series: 4
Episode: Forest of the Dead

Series: 4
Episode: Midnight

I think I may have blurred a couple of episodes together in my memory. Because I definitely remember watching this, but it still feels a bit off. Hmm. #JaeWatchesDW
I have a visceral dislike of Donna's mother. Probably because she reminds me of my mother.

Series: 4
Episode: Turn Left

Geez, this episode is just a kick to the feels, isn't it? #JaeWatchesDW
I adore Wilf. #JaeWatchesDW
Series: 4
Episode: The Stolen Earth

*long sigh followed by prolonged fart noise*

(Yeah, the Judoon just showed up.)

Took a break for lunch and had a bit of a rant about the ending of The Timeless Children (I am holding that grudge until the end of time, thank you very much). Back now. #JaeWatchesDW
...I wish someone had been there to convince Chibnall to drop the Series 12 cliffhanger.

(I'm holding this grudge forever.) #JaeWatchesDW
Finishing off Series 4 tonight. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda sad. I've gotten REALLY attached to this Doctor. Like, not curl up in a ball and sob levels of sad like I will be when Jodie's run is over, but yeah. Pretty sad. #JaeWatchesDW
So apparently I managed to mix up Midnight with Planet of the Dead. #JaeWatchesDW that Daniel Kaluuya?


That is Daniel Kaluuya.

The captions are really starting to go to shit here. #JaeWatchesDW
This episode (The Waters of Mars) is definitely hitting an OH FUCK NO nerve. #JaeWatchesDW
Can I just skip ahead to Missy please.

Also I love Wilfred.

What the shit is going on right now.

I hereby retract every negative thing I have ever said about series 12's Master because this one is just pure fucking nightmare fuel. #JaeWatchesDW
Last episode. I'm going to start a new thread when I start Matt Smith's run because this thread is a little bit out of control. #JaeWatchesDW
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