I understand the sentiment behind this tweet and I also understand the largely reactionary nature of the HK protests.

But if we aren't advocating arming the oppressed, what are we actually going to do about the police and the state?

THREAD 1/9 https://twitter.com/mqmqqmqm/status/1275135212930961409
Black people are more likely to be killed by the police, this is undeniable fact. They are under the constant threat of death just for trying to live their daily lives, this is also undeniable fact. Protesting (violently or otherwise, as we have seen) is potentially deadly.

Given these facts, why is it that generation after generation of black revolutionaries that are constantly the ones pushing the struggle forwards, constantly putting their lives on the line, constantly being assassinated or arrested?

It's simple; decolonisation is not a metaphor for those with skin in the game.

We talk about about certain actions as if it was a cost-benefit analysis but for many people, the status quo is violence and death, pain that unceasingly cuts across the core of existence.

I believe this is one contributing factor to the omnipresent tailism of communist parties in the West (something that we have seen in razor sharp contrast in these recent weeks). It's always "there's too much to lose" and never "there's so much to gain".

I fully agree: I don't want protesters to be killed. But, if I asked George or Breonna or Eric or Natasha or Trayvon (wherever they are, rest in power) whether it was shields and molotovs that killed them or unceasing white supremacy, what do you think they would say?

HK isn't that important. Protesters before them have invented their tactics and protesters in the future will undoubtedly have better tactics.

Don't lionize them as having monopolies over carrying shields or using laser pointers or whatever the next thing is.

This is Western propaganda as much as anything else. We all need to hear this due to how much those silly US flag waving kids get blasted in our faces: THEY ARE NOT SPECIAL. Do not confuse tactics they use (which are inherently neutral) as tactics "belonging" to them.

Just as arming a reactionary is bad, arming a revolutionary is good. Do not disarm yourself just to spite your enemy.

Or as 毛主席 would describe this behaviour, "搬起石头打自己的脚" ("lifting up a rock to smash upon your foot").

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