as a Black woman working towards freedom for myself & my community, the professional is personal.

and "the personal is political."

therefore the professional will always be political for me. for our liberation, i must continue to move through academic and work spaces this way.
"The major source of difficulty in our political work is that we are not just trying to fight oppression on one front or even two, but instead to address a whole range of oppressions."
"We might use our position at the bottom, however, to make a clear leap into revolutionary action. If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression."
"The work to be done and the countless issues that this work represents merely reflect the pervasiveness of our oppression."
"As Black feminists we are made constantly and painfully aware of how little effort white women have made to understand and combat their racism, which requires among other things that they have a more than superficial comprehension of race, color, and Black history and culture."
"We believe in collective process and a nonhierarchical distribution of power within our own group and in our vision of a revolutionary society."
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