Not to beg sympathy bc others do have it way worse than I do and it's nothing close to lifelong racial discrimination...but there is a huge thing I'm seeing with more than just me, with white kids standing up to our white families and getting straight up abused for it. It sucks.
I have seen so many kids, younger than me even, getting ripped apart by family members for being anti-racist. It's disturbing. I've mostly shut up around my family for some semblance of self-preservation but I'm watching others go through it every day on my social feeds.
Idek what this thread is about. But man I fucking hope we get to a point where kids don't have to worry about their safety for literally just speaking out against injustices. This whole country makes me sad. Every facet of it.
This vent piece is sponsered by my su*c*de ideation triggered by my extended family's blatent white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I'm suffering and just need a hug, basically. And also every other kid going through this needs a hug, so many of them are younger than me.
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