so I joined KBMOD back in 2016 after years of watching APL and Sham. on the outside they seemed like a cool group of people who liked PC gaming, and to be fair some of them are. but as time has gone on more and more horrible dudes have been exposed.
it is truly disgusting what happened to some of the people who were harassed or abused by these guys, and anyone who has known me for a long time would know that I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior. completely unacceptable.
KBMOD has been slowly dying for years and years now, and at its core, most recently, it's been a place for someone like me to hang out with the good people there. some of my best friends are from KBMOD, and they have the same values as I do.
it feels like every time someone got exposed and removed from the group I'd think "that's it, that's the last one, the final bad apple is gone" and clearly that just isn't the case, which is why I'm cutting ties with KBMOD for good now.
I will continue to stay close friends with the amazing guys and girls that I've met through KBMOD, and believe they are lasting friendships, but the time has come to let that place die. we hoped it would be with dignity, but that option disappeared years ago honestly.
let me be perfectly clear that I condemn the actions of the disgusting people who did these things to their victims and want nothing to do with them. I'd hoped to speak about this in more depth on the KBMOD website as a final post but that won't be happening.
instead I have to resort to this thread.

I enjoyed my time with KBMOD and value the friendships I've made, but enough is enough.

those of us who are like-minded are leaving and not looking back.
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