//Please skip this if you don't want to hear anything about drama. I want to make it so everyone has a choice on what they see. Thank you.

I have come to the point where I might be leaving twitter. I can't mentally handle coming onto the tl everyday and someone in my dms+
Telling me what a terrible person I am. If you want to side with Eve, then go ahead. I don't want this fucking drama. I wanted to maybe talk and sit down like adults. Going into others dms, and getting them to soft block is not civil.

I don't care who you side with. I don't +
Want you to side with anyone. I want this to be over. I want to enjoy rping again. This has taken all the fun out. I get it, she's angry. But I don't care. Don't be a bully then if you don't wish to be outed as one.

This is me standing up for myself. I'm tired of being stepped+
On. If after the event, I feel like staying then I will. I love writing with you guys which is why I'm trying to still be here. Because I love rping.

If I stay please note replies will be given out once a day. Things are starting to reopen. I'm a full time student with a job.+
If I leave, you can still rp with me if you want on discord. Or if you still want to talk, I'll give you my main. I'm truly sorry it's come to this. But with not just this drama but all the drama, I can't mentally handle it. This is an escape not a stressor.
//To avoid even more drama, I'm deleting this at midnight. This is mostly to let others know, I might be leaving twitter.
//So I am leaving. Not even just the drama. I don't think I can handle both rping on twitter and school. Sorry guys. Hit me up if you want my discord and we can rp there! Or if you want my main. I will rp in the dms on my main if you don't have discord.
//I will be leaving at the end of the week to give everyone time to get my discord and main to those who want it. Event is cancelled. No threads will be responded to.
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