The thing we as men need to understand is that the fight to not use toxic masculinity, to not abuse women or to other people, needs to be a constant thing. There is never a moment when you can just go "there, I'm done. I'm no longer a toxic person. I am 100% perfect".........1/5
Once you decide you're done growing, that you no longer need to be careful or mindful about what you do, you've failed yourself & you've failed the people around you.

We've been brought up our entire lives thinking that this sort of manipulative, poisonous behavior is ok.....2/5
.....& it's going to take a lifetime to completely unlearn it. We need to constantly question our actions, consciously verify if the step we are about to take is in alignment with our ethics.

Because I promise you, what you may think is acceptable, mostly isn't....3/5
You may be considered the kindest, most understanding, woke man on this planet, but I promise you there are still hints of microaggression, of toxic behavior, of sexism/misogyny/unwanted behavior drilled into us since birth that you may not notice, but women will.....4/5
So don't stop learning, don't stop actively improving, don't stop actively trying, otherwise you will fail and you will be rightfully called out....5/5
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