There was a period at the start of the uprising where I changed my screen name to #BlackLivesMatter and Twitter's algorithm glitched and made me the #3 result for the hashtag. Today, I'm still getting dozens, sometimes hundreds of these per day.
I'm really curious about them. Some of them are bots, others are clearly struggling with some form of delusion, but a lot of them seem to be hobbyists who just spend all day looking for people to send random shitty memes to.
Like this dingleberry is using a phone, so it's unlikely they're automated. It's just someone tapping laboriously at their screen, looking for (what? I don't know? accounts with #BLM? accounts on a list somewhere?) and sending them dimbulb agitprop.
I've concluded that my time high in the #BlackLivesMatter search result put me on a list somewhere - maybe a literal Twitter list compiled by some Confederate gravy-eater thinkfluencer: "Enemies of the Master Race."
And there's this vast horde of angry boomers who stab their thumbs at their phones all day and all night, pasting links to tweets into @s from these Enemies Lists.
The part I don't get is what their theory of change is. Is it that they'll get into an argument with someone who'll unwittingly toss their ideology over the transoms of supporters-in-waiting who just haven't heard the gospel (AKA the Milo Yiannopolis strategy)?
Is it to flood the zone with bullshit (Bannonism/IRA)? Is it a cargo-cult attempt to game the Twitter algorithm? Is it some cult leader who just needs to keep their followers busy with something that feels like something?
I've been getting it for weeks now, and it's mystifying. Some of these turdgarglers send "kill all N-word" style stuff that gets them banned when I report them, but most are just signal-boosting slogans unworthy of a pretend protest movement in a discarded Monkees script.
It's just bizarre. Anyone got a theory?
Right on schedule, two more.
20 seconds later, another.
10s later, another.
And another:
He seems nice.
You can follow @doctorow.
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