people want felix to hate faerghus but he doesn't lol he wants dimitri to take the throne from rufus in white clouds because he thinks dimitri will be a better regent. if you recruit him on VW/SS his reasoning is what's the point of a country without a king.
he gets on dimitri's case on azure moon because he feels like dimitri isn't valuing their people enough. he gets angry at his father in his paralogue for same idea. I'm not joking when I say felix is the knightliest knight. his damn paralogue is called "true chivalry."
you literally have to save EVERYONE to complete his paralogue right and get that damn shield. anyway, he is always thinking of his people. it's why he's so fucked up from the start of CF vs VW/SS where it takes a while for him to get there.
there's this idea because felix constantly criticizes chivalry that felix hates faerghus. but listen to what felix hates about chivalry. listen how he hates needless deaths. listen how he cares deeply for others. how he begs dimitri to care for the living over the dead.
did you notice when dimitri decides to talk to edelgard to see if they can end the war diplomatically felix approves? that the possibility of avoiding more bloodshed makes him happy?
he /likes/ dimitri's idealism. he likes when dimitri is kind and good and that's why he's so broken by the rebellion before the game but by the end of azure he says in his roundabout* way that he thinks this version of dimitri is worth following.
*he says something like his father would be glad for his sacrifice if he could see dimitri now and then tsundere stomps and insists you tell No One he's said this, because hello. that's his way of saying it.
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