you mean to tell me that an lgbt minor was doxxed and outed to their family and had to flee because they were "aphobic" online and now the same group of people that led the harassment campaign against the lgbt minor refuse to take responsibility or financially contribute to them?
this is why i will never take claims of aphobia as seriously as claims of homophobia/transphobia bc if ur willing to target an lgbt minor to the point they're doxxed and need to run away for their safety in the name of "ace rights" you don't care about the lgbt community at all
i think this is a perfect depressing example of the differences between "aphobia" and homophobia/transphobia bc "aphobia" in this case was someone just expressing opinions online while homophobia/transphobia lead to the "aphobe" needing to run away from home for their own safety
for people asking what happened here's a summary from
@houseinthtrees, who is a close friend with one of the minors in the original gc
also from @houseinthtrees
more additions because honestly how proud these people were about this makes me feel sick
also an important addition is the original "callout" thread that lead to this minor being outed was literally made of out-of-context screenshots framed to make the minors look bad
more additions
please please be considerate and careful when trying to raise awareness about this and help those involved out. remember that they are still minors and still in danger.
thank you so much to everyone who has contributed so far
also i just want to emphasize that if you're going to quote this thread with "oh doxxing is wrong but aphobia is also as bad" or whatever stupid shit: just don't. there are more important issues here. a child is in danger. get some empathy and focus on the real issue.
thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has generously contributed!!!!
another person was outed and forced to leave their home and needs financial support. please please share this if you can.
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