I remember talking to someone the other day about something they happen to have shown today.

I also remember telling the same person a sincere truth that almsot turn a storm of argument and it took him couple of months or more to acknowledge the Truth after experiencing it.
I have come to a realization that alot of teens/youths are blind from a lot of things and has focus on hate , money and fake life style that only makes you a competition to them.
Image you being a bad person for being a good person and Being a bad person for trying to be bad ...
Normalize not giving zero fucks... Cause when Push come to shove , you would be left High and dry.. so tilk you get to the Apex.. everyone is your enemy aside family
Don't get me wrong, this literally means you need to stop talking to humans... You can't , don't get it twisted family don't basically mean everyone or anyone you are only related by blood. Anyone that can create a family sense of bound , that's your Family
I would see this tweet, couple years from now and I would probably remember why I made this thread.
Also, this in the future might cause a tweet Storm🦾
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