Y’all ready for another fact of the day? Mother Teresa was a grifter fraud and a racist piece of shit who represents white bourgeois guilt/saviorism and religious colonialism. Her altruistic work is an imperialist myth [thread]
her “missions” did not provide the altruistic medical care people think they did— they were so bad they were compared to concentration camps. Mother Teresa was basically a propaganda campaign for the Catholic Church to create their image of white savior of poor brown ppl.
She basically said the poor should suffer and also her missions had no aim of actually helping people and were primarily focused on conversion. This is religious imperialism and is a symbol of white people feeling good about themselves for “helping those damned dark bodies”
She also grifted from rich people and had ties to powerful politicians including fascists. Her entire schtick was based on racist colonialism of my people.
in conclusion, fuck mother teresa and fuck your mission trips too.
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