If you want to help build and support a better comics community, y’all need to stop giving Bl**ding C**l your stories and clicks.

That site is run by a person who feeds on our pain and exploits it for whatever gets the most clicks, and it has to stop.
While I appreciate that we don’t have enough people in comics journalism tackling big issues, having someone tackle them as irresponsibly as R*ch does is actually a million times worse.
We need to go back to treating it for what it is: a horrible gossip site. I see many of you openly dismiss sites like TMZ for how they operate, and BC is no different.
BC is partially responsible for much of the current toxicity in the industry through validating and legitimizing hate movements like CG.
If you’re serious about supporting a better industry, part of it involves not giving clicks to sites that thrive off of our pain.
(my earlier tweet should say “While I understand” vs “appreciate” whoops)
(the censoring is my attempt to not summon the devil himself since if you say his name or the name of his site three times, he’ll appear before you to tell you he’s actually a good guy that’s super misunderstood)
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