I've been wondering and working for days. Yet i have no real way to start this. This is a post exposing all the harassment and bullshit a few people have put me and some others close to me through over the past few months. Welcome to Mrs. Detective Moon's large thread of Truth.
To start off, I'd like to bring up wowie. She joined Inaba and it was perfectly fine. I have no problem with people joining group chats to chat or enjoy themselves. But what they did was beyond that.
In the two days i spent in Inaba with her i can say she was more then just a troll. She went out of her way to make everyone else happy but make me and my boyfriend pissed off and just, generally be a cunt.
She's not past inciting anger for the hell of it, and even seemed like she Enjoyed it. Others even agreed that she was in the wrong. Now, i'm not saying i'm innocent, everytime she pissed me off past the 3rd time i'd day things back, mostly just calling her a bitch, but still.
The first time in an hour? Probably didn't mean to. Second time? I mean, ok, but, perhaps not? The third time in an hour? Yeah that's a bit of a cunt move. Fourth time plus? Now your just being a bitch and it's obvious your trying to.
To end this off i'd like to also say, A God complex, or what seems like it. The sheer belief that your above others is what makes you the low stuck up prick you are.
Moving on, We hit the Masked man. Goro Akechi / Akira Kurusu. He's done many things. He hates me. That's fine. Not an issue just a disclaimer. he sends deplorable meme's that in reality shouldn't be called a meme if it's about serious issues and just generally not funny.
He dares compair me to a pattern when as both a human and as a detective i'm far above that. He said he's been "Gathering shit with a mod" as a means to bring down my public image and hurt me but that's not what's going to happen.
Whatever you dig up on me won't do you any good. Yes i have 3 rp accounts. Yes, one is Sans. People are allowed to like what they like. You don't have the right to make them feel bad over it. I know i'm not perfect but that's no reason for you to look down on me.
By the way, I know it was you and Kai pulling this "Bad day" stunt. You think pissing people off is funny, but in reality your nothing more then a cunt for doing it. Much less after i left your bitch asses in the dust during that whole event you and angel started mid server.
To end this off, I'd like to say. You have the right to pick your friends, not their actions. For this reason, along with cyber fucking with me in ways your aware i do not like, your actions prove you to be a cyber bully.
Next is Sopa. Man, we use to be friends until you started on your bullshit, what the fuck. You actively lie and think it's ok. It's not. You lied about calling me a slut the same way you lied about suzy and i'm sick and tired of it.
You claimed it was "All RP" yeah, RP my ass. You did the same thing to me even when you KNEW Allie, Who you dated at the time wanted you to stop. This is why she dumped you.
Here's the proof i know she dumped you.
Do you know how you made poor Allie feel!?
Not to mention when you where approached about calling me a slut, you couldn't even admit. You HAD to keep lying. On top of this, you have the fucking audacity to say i'm lying?! What severe mental issues do you have to think this is ok!?
Following that, Making a calling card for someone you KNOW is innocent? That's fucked up.
In fact... SHE had some choice words about you to.
Not to mention how you don't even respect your fellow mods.
to close this chapter, I request you take a step back. Review yourself and your actions. Don't fuck up again, or do your best to try not to. You can be better then this. So why don't you?
The final person, or rather, people are "Angels Gang", his group of butt buddys that are so close they deem harassment necessary. This isn't cool, especially when reached out of the server it was originally in.
( Examples of above continued )
Learn to leave people alone and just not stick your nose where it doesn't belong. David, Kai, John, Temo and all of you. Not to mention Temo, i tried to help you and you only got worse.

( Sadly when i got banned my messages dissipated but this is the jist. )
You and your dumb fucking butt buddys decided to keep talking about me and and my boyfriend and making fun of me and my boyfriend despite us not being there.
In closing, I am DONE with these people's bullshit. I'm done with feeling bad about myself. I'm done being in a server with you. Usually i'd say something like "Enjoy your life" or something like that, but no, You've pushed me to my edge and beyond. Fuck you. That is the end.
Guess i'm not allowed to end this, You know why? Because they are still at it. Like bro, grow up, I tried to end it and you still want to harass me? What do you gain? From this? A sick twisted sense of justice? This is why i made this to begin with. None of you can act your age.
Your seriously trying to keep this going? Fucking children smh.
do i need to say more?
It's still going. even here.
adding onto Masked Man's harassment chain
it's still adding to the drama and keeping this going.
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