bloody hell
lmao. an email from my city councillor accidentally refers to police as criminal intervention 😏
WTF?! kick her out!

maybe kick them all out.
just get rid of fare inspectors instead. all they do is harass marginalized people.
why do people listen to this blowhard. lawns are a pox on the landscape. have native plants instead. food for butterflies and bees.
🩠 đŸ˜·
people like this should never be allowed near the driver's seat of any motor vehicle. >:[
abolitionists in Canada: abolish the police!

RCMP: *buys more war toys*
the Ford govt has no plans to improve police accountability procedures, like the SIU being able to mandate interviews & handing over of notes, "because police officers have the right not to self incriminate". If cops don't do anything criminal they have nothing to worry about. đŸ€”
be careful when taking down white supremacist posters - such hateful people sometimes booby trap them with razor blades. (see e.g.
weird - the article doesn't say anything about their plans for storing the nuclear waste from these SMRs â˜ąïžđŸ€”
is this a slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket
"whose streets?"

ever notice how the island residents are overwhelmingly white, and mollycoddled by the city
the discovery of two more deeply anti-Black racist hate symbols in downtown Toronto construction sites should probably not surprise me but i still almost lost my (very late) breakfast reading about it. fuck.
Liberal corruption
i would prefer a world where Amber Alerts weren't needed 💔
this was an awesome event. (one of my favourite parts was when a single bike cop came over to deal with a persistent heckler and key people ensured the cop went away)
listening harder to abolitionists has made me uproot my thinking around prior interactions with metropolitan & campus police to deal with stalking, assault, death threat, multi-year disruption of classes by non-student. i needed support but now think i fucked up by going to them.
i tried hard to understand the individual mentality of each aggressor, while feeling traumatized. but i didn't seriously think outside my bubble of whiteness, only gave that lip service at best. the (mostly white) cops gave me official validation of my perception of danger ☑đŸ•č
do the cops gift anonymity to Black people they arrest who need it for their own safety? đŸ€”
Housing First makes so much sense as a strategy.
i won't be celebrating Canada Day at all tomorrow. the settler colonialist capitalist racist state called Canada is not worth celebrating. we need to be imagining better for the sake of peoples, lands, waters, & other beings. i'll spend the day reading Indigenous & Black authors.
more of this kind of initiative please
#Accessibility #LessHostileArchitecture
PS i hate fireworks in densely populated areas. pets get scared as hell, and so do many humans. lots of us can see tons of pretty things on screen, why push audiovisual harassment onto so many beings? the whole thing feels kinda militaristic. :/
awesome thread đŸ§”
btw if you live in (or care about) what we currently call Canada, you should definitely be following @IndigenousXca. must-read.
You can follow @kiwinerd.
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