A white man was brutally assaulted by a black man in the middle of Macy’s. How come this has not made headline news? This was filmed and nobody did anything to stop it. The claim is that the Macy’s employee called the man the “N” word.
This was disproven. Now everyone can commit a felony and get away with it by crying racism. The man who was supposedly called the “N” word yet used the word that supposedly “offended” him in the video several times.
The employee was actually said to be on the phone. The man that supposedly was called the horrible word had asked the employee if the shirt he held up looked too small for him. The employee said yes and allegedly turned back to his phone when the assault occurred.
What is the likelihood that a retail employee would say such a thing or be on a phone unless a work phone which line is recorded. This video was only recorded and went viral so that the two perpetrators in question could be hailed as heroes for social justice.
Macy’s investigated and stated that this was an unprovoked attack. In today’s political atmosphere, Macy’s would have fired him if he had done what he was accused of. Not only was he insulted, but he was slandered.
Everything we are seeing now is about leftist ideology and the belief that all white men are evil. Most of us have seen the video but do not know the full story.
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