Jesus looks like whatever you want him to that’s the fun of a universal faith
Sometimes Mary looks like Our Lady of La Vang, sometimes she looks like Our Lady of Fatima, sometimes she looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The most important bit is that the Son of God was born, saw all of the sins of humanity, and still thought we were worth dying for even though none of us deserve it.
If you connect best to a Mary and Jesus who look like you, great. If someone else is inspired by Mary and Jesus who look like them, also great.
People who made statues of their interpretation of Christ/Mary/etc did so to glorify God with their talents by making something beautiful. That’s all.
I’ve kind of let it go dormant, but I had a series on Instagram with the hashtag #MarianMonday where I posted different images of Mary that I encountered throughout my travels. And you know what? NONE OF THEM LOOK THE SAME! And that’s great!
Look, there’s a Jesus for all of us, even the bodybuilders
I personally like the pictures of Mary that depict her as a brunette wearing something purple, because I am a brunette who likes the color purple ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
This is my favorite of the ones I have encountered. It’s from Knock.
These are all statues of the same people!!! And that’s wonderful!!
Anyhow thank you for my take on Religious Art. Go pray the rosary for America.
Honestly I’ve never felt more justified in my weird obsession of photographing nearly every piece of Marian art I encountered.
Also depicting Jesus as a baby dheep is totally valid see: Knock.
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