I hate the fact that so many people think being racist against white people is perfectly acceptable.

I can't get my head around the stupidity and hypocrisy.

If racism is wrong, then it's WRONG.

Period. No exceptions.

Stop being buttheads.
I honestly don't know what kind of mind virus universities have infected people with but I'm glad I didn't catch it...

"yOu cAn'T bE rAciSt aGaInST WhItE pEopLe!"

Yes you can, you flipping idiots.

Anybody can be a perpetrator or victim of racism. And it's ALL BAD.

I can't believe I even feel compelled to say stuff like this, because it should be self-evident and obvious to anyone with a modicum of decency.

But here we are...

If I'm a 'bigot' because for denouncing racism in all directions then so be it.

I just rock with decent people.
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