You’re in all the business FB groups.
You’ve bought 7 Udemy courses
You've read every startup book
You’re on every email list
You watch Mixergy religiously
Your timeline is endless Gary V videos…

And yet...nothing. This used to be me.

Day 5/30 . A thread on the escape. 👇🏽
So first off, this is a judgment-free zone.

The reason I talk about these things and post about mindset and make sure I spend days on this stuff, is only because:

So I know how powerful the pull is to continually consume information.

It’s the greatest placebo (might be misusing this word but I’m pressing forward) we use to convince ourselves that we’re actually taking action.

Think about it?

If you wanted to cook a steak, would you spend days reading about Gordon Ramsey’s life story?

No. You would look up “how to cook a steak” bring your laptop to the kitchen and get to work
And it would probably take you a couple steaks to get it just right.

So today is a reminder that none of this matters until you actually get out there and put your steak on the skillet.

Until you put something out there for sale.
Could even be a $5 product. Doesn’t matter.

The point is to get to the point where you get used to taking action, and building your confidence, and refining your style, and developing your voice.
So here’s 10 mental games I used to play to stay safely on the sidelines, and If y’all lie and tell me it’s just me...

There was always something else to figure out before I started.

Credit cards and what ifs
Shipping and what ifs
Customer service and what ifs

It was endless.
2- Let me monetize Later

Even if I got something up, it would always be the type like,

“If I get enough members I’ll figure out how to monetize it later.”

This was even a slicker way of kicking the can down the road and delayed me putting something up for sale.

If you’re selling a product, you can find someone that will let you re-sell their product.

If it’s a service, you can find someone that you can arrange to send more business.

Looking back I would make this the most complicated thing ever.
4. -But it won’t scale

Every business I tried had to be of the “take over the world” variety.

I hadn’t made a dollar but was out here mapping out some scalability spreadsheet I downloaded from some blog. 😭
5. General procrastination

If I had a penny for every message I got from people telling me about the wonderful business they plan to launch "next summer" or "when classes are out" or "when they move to {insert fabulous city}"...

This was me to a tee! 😅

If you stay away from having to come up with an awesome idea, you won’t need validation in the first place.

There are plenty of things you can do that other companies have already validated for you.

Easy one that changed everything for me.

Demographic data, market analysis, the economic outlook... blah blah blah. I was an expert at this stuff.

Excellent tools I used to talk me out of doing anything!

Nah son. Find something that is viable.

Short and sweet and saved my life, but until I made this change...

So for example, a problem like connecting people that need lawn care with people that provide it had to involve Zillow’s api, Google maps, and fancy algorithms.

I let this go and got to $60k a month with just spreadsheets. In my living room.
So I said 10, but posted up 9 of these...kind of an unruly number I know. I'm sorry!
Looking back, I didn't get to traction until I solved this stuff.

I removed the things that gave me the illusion I was taking action and the things that made no difference at all.

For a lot of things that seemed so critically important I came to find out...
And I learned that I had to kill the webinars, blogs, courses, etc. and consume ACTIONABLE content WHILE I was cooking up that steak.

While actually building!
Again I don't post this to be harsh.

It’s more of a self-reflection because this all used to be me.

I suffered with every one of these.
Oh and what about failure?

What I figured out:

Business failure is mostly emotionally driven with not an incredible amount behind it.

Almost like being afraid of the dark.

I just set out instead to build businesses in ways so that if I failed not much happens.
More like going on a quick coffee date with low risk and low cost.

And not akin to marriage.

Maybe bad analogy, but I have an endless stream of these.

You get what I'm saying lol
The point is, maybe I’m out a couple hundred dollars that I would have spent on comcast/cellphone bill (or some other crap anyhow), but I’m rewarded with a heap of experience.

I try to keep the losses small, and make the wins big!

So that no one loss kills my spirit.
And remember I’m sharing what has worked for me.

If something else works for you do that.

I'm with it all the way! 😅
I know it’s day 5 and I'm still talking about mindset stuff but that’s because it’s really THAT important.

Solve this stuff and the execution stuff becomes so much easier. And tomorrow we’ll start talking about that.

Maybe I’ll call it PHASE 2 or something.
See you then. About to finish up my laundry! 🙏🏽🙃
You can follow @rohangilkes.
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