She can probably see this but I don’t care at this point, I need an escape
This is a thread of what I’ve been through with Samantha/nicolexrow/nearlynicolerow and why I’m desperately trying to escape her
tw for abuse, pedophila, sexual assault, rape, etc
I have known Samantha since August of 2018. I used to own a different Nic*le R*w stan acc on instagram and we quickly bonded over her. We became close friends in only a few months. I was in the thick of an abusive relationship when we became close.
She gave me the courage to finally escape my abuser. I had feared rape with this person and she comforted me through it all. Fast forward to mid 2019. I had started getting myself into toxic relationships left and right. This caused her to become extremely angry with me.
She accused me of not caring enough about her. She told me if I truly cared about her I would’ve listened to her all along. This led us to fighting everyday for weeks. I stopped talking to her for a bit but she pulled me back in by apologizing and telling me she loves me-
and that I’m her best friend. She promises to never fight with me or hurt me ever again. After I had broken up another toxic relationship she refused to stay out of it. She constantly threatened to message the person, doxx them, whatever it takes to make them experience “pain”
Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I was eating dinner with my family to celebrate something. I start to see her all over my tl. At first I’m confused, I know she’s caused drama before but I’ve tried to ignore it because it becomes another “you’re being too overdramatic” fight.
I saw she had started victim blaming and I will NEVER condone that behavior especially from her, who was there when I had gone through plenty of toxic and abusive relationships. We once again got into a huge fight, I told her she can’t victim blame people wether you agree with-
them or not. She yet again called me overdramatic and she at first didn’t care what I said. It took me an hour of telling her what I had been through with my abuser to compare to the situation to get her to apologize.
She told me she’d never do anything like this again, and that she is so sorry for all of the drama she had caused. I thought the drama and fights were finally over for awhile. I was wrong.
More victim blaming, another fight, “you’re being overdramatic”, finally convincing her to apologize and realzie she’s wrong, and yet again promising she’d never do it again.
However, she continued threatening to doxx and ruin the lives of the people who are “ruining” her image.
I know this may seem like me being dramatic but I’ve struggled with trauma for quite awhile and she’s only made things worse for me recently. I want to personally apologize to anyone she has harassed. I am on your side.
Also please ignore the mistagging of pedophilia, I was going to touch on more of the Zack/Kenny situation but I was rushing to finish this thread because I’m busy today. Thank you to everyone for supporting me
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