Abuse fucking sucks. TW: sexual assault

A former Blizzard CM assaulted me at BlizzCon.

He laughed and asked me in text if I was in my period because his bed was all bloody.

Rafael / Traysent, you fucked so many people and got your ex girlfriend to try to kill herself.
We met because I was a Blizzard influencer. They invited me to a few events. He got my number and flirted with me. Spent a year trying to seduce me.

Got me drunk to the point I couldn't consent. I tried to find my way back to my hotel, he forced me to his. I was blackout drunk.
I woke up being sore and ashamed. I didn't realize I was bleeding from forced penetration until my room mate back in my hotel room gently pointed out that my pants were red. I quietly resigned from the influencer program.

I'm still terrified about doing this. But
I'm not going to protect him anymore
I have enough distance where I will be okay. It has been some time, and I made sure to block him on any communication pathways he may use.

This fucker still uses an AOL email address.
I'm not releasing the screenshots. I should not have to peak the scars off to show everything. I only touched the surface of the abuse I endured.

- He said if I loved him, he would find another girl to have sex with so he can watch and participate
- he said that because I was so good at sex, I must be a white and I should be punished

- he got mad when I wore clothes around him and said he would set up a camera and I wouldn't know where it was and that he would leak it to everyone

- he was so mad when I went on bc
Whore, not white.
"you can't be non binary, you fucked me"

"You're so fucking ugly with your dyed hair" (after @Celestalon dyed it and made me feel so gorgeous)

I appreciate all the love but taking some time off.
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