#yegcc discussions on policing in Edmonton and panel hearings continue this afternoon. You can watch live here:
While we wait for things to get started, a Calgary Police Cst. wrote an opinion piece for the Herald on why defunding the police is a good idea: https://calgaryherald.com/opinioncolumnists/opinion-an-officers-perspective-on-why-we-should-defund-the-police
Nearly 200 Edmontonians have signed up for the #yegcc police discussion hearings.
Interim City Manager Adam Laughlin starts with a speech from City of Edmonton administration. He's been sitting in and watching a lot of the panels.
City administration is seeing a role in growing the culture to include more diverse voices. My question for Laughlin: how many of the City of Edmonton executives are BIPOC individuals? What does diversity look like at that level? #yegcc
Laughlin says City Administration acknowledges they will need more work with the community and it will be slow, steady and take time. Beyond EPS funding, they believes that they can work with the community to reimagine a more equitable Edmonton. #yegcc
That will most likely mean more public consultations, working with groups in the community, and etc. But that timeline will most likely take a long while. We'll have to wait and see after all these discussions what that actually looks like and what is proposed. #yegcc
FYI, #yegcc is talking consumer fireworks permits at the moment, so it might be a few minutes until we hear from today's panels.
In the meantime, I'll remind you that you can donate to #blmyeg and learn more about their call to defund the police here: https://blmyeg.ca/public-action/defund-the-police-action-plan
While we're speaking about fireworks, did you know that in New York, police are using intimidation (and torture) tactics like fireworks to keep people awake at night? In what world is this behaviour okay? https://twitter.com/fromzerotojeo/status/1274963896651198468?s=20
Welp, this is embarrassing, I was on the wrong feed. Here's the right feed:
Niki Bains calls racism is a sickness and calls for #yegcc to make major changes in EPS. Culling the few "bad apples" won't solve it. Asks to focus on affordable housing, free transit, safe consumption sites, and well funded mental health. Policing is within #yegcc's control.
Bains calls #yegcc on "side-stepping" on the issues by blaming provincial and federal levels of government. To suggest BIPOC folks need to wait longer is unacceptable. Urges to council to work towards alternatives to policing and not increase the budget.
Christina Kruszewski says she's noticed #yegcc has seemed defensive through the questions they've been asking the panel. Asks council to understand, to process, to grapple with their own privilege. Gives a moment of silence for them to process and reflect.
Kruszewski wants #yegcc to reinvest the EPS budget into new grassroots infrastructure. To invest in community-led organizations, free transit and affordable housing.
Amina Mohamed from @blmyeg is next up. Feels that #blmyeg hasn't been given enough credit for these hearings.
She touches on the platform here: https://blmyeg.ca/public-action/defund-the-police-action-plan and feels like the response from #yegcc so far hasn't been enough.
Mohamed says from her own experience, the community supports provided to her as a youth were far more valuable than the SRO in her school. #yegcc
She points out that some officers have mentioned feeling persecuted lately. But police officers, at the end of the day, get to take off their uniform. As Black people, they can never go off duty. #yegcc
Colette Benoit is here to defend police. She can't believe "how quickly" people have turned on them. (FWIW, queer and BIPOC folks have been talking about issues with police for a LONG time.) #yegcc
C. Benoit is a spouse of a 22 yr police officer & is a business owner who works on mental health supports for EPS.
Cops may be able to take off their uniform, but their trauma lives on. Arguably, BIPOC folks have to deal w/ their trauma & can't change the skin they're in. #yegcc
Media is problematic by not showing all the good that police are doing and what took place before an incident.
Defunding the police doesn't make sense to C. Benoit. She feels like the #blmyeg asks are ridiculous. #yegcc
Gary Benoit, the husband of the previous panelist and a 22-yr-EPS officer is now up. "If people could police themselves, we would never be an agency created back in the day." #yegcc
G. Benoit admits it's hard to be an expert in law, mental health, and social work. He doesn't feel like it's fair to demand that of one agency. (That's also what #blmyeg and other defund the police folks are saying.)
But he doesn't believe #yegcc should defund police.
G. Benoit wants #yegcc to discuss their expectations of EPS.

He mentions that everyone who wears blue is being painted with the same brush. He's also a community member, family-man, and supports the community outside of the uniform as well.
G. Benoit is an Indigenous man himself. He joined the police service because he wanted to improve the system and change it from within.

He wants to work together with the community. He and his wife think it's a "this-and, not a this-or" situation. #yegcc
I think @jeffsamsonow can correct me on this... but have all the pro-police and anti-defunding folks on these panels so far been police/married to police? #yegcc
#yegcc special shout out to @Ward4Aaron for rightfully saying that we should stop relying on women for all the emotional labour.
Insp. Dan Jones says there is "zero tolerance" for racism in policing in Edmonton.
He says EPS needs to adopt a "do no harm" mantra and to look at outcomes for a better experience for people in Edmonton. Need to ensure EPS treats people with human dignity. #yegcc
#yegcc's McKeen talks a lot about his own cognitive dissonance hearing these panels because he knows a lot of good police. "It seems sometimes that police does exactly what society wants it to do..."
Asks again about white collar financial crime investigations?
Esslinger asks G. Benoit about the mental health supports for EPS officers. He says it better than it was, but a lot more supports are needed. That's also why he and his wife (who also spoke) have started a mental health business for officers and their families. #yegcc
Banga asks Insp. Jones about his specialization in creating relationships within the community for EPS asks him to speak on carding. Jones: McFee is pushing for building more relationships. #yegcc
Jones: Indigenous training still happens for EPS. Understanding that Indigenous folks have been told to hide from police. There is training on vicarious trauma and the history of Indigenous trauma involving police. #yegcc
There is a break until 3:45pm. I missed the beginning of the hearing today, so I'm going to go back and highlight some things I may have missed.

Also apologies to Christina Kruszewski who uses they/them pronouns and I misgendered in earlier tweets. #yegcc
Going back, the first speaker was @ivantouko who is the founder of the Afro Latin Festival @laconnexional. He points out that for many BIPOC community organizations, funding is a huge problem. Defunding EPS could mean some money could fund these other organizations. #yegcc
#yegcc @ivantouko asks the city to listen to the BIPOC folks who have been on these panels and the research of @BashirMohamed & other BIPOC Edmontonians. There are ways to work together, but first the systemic problems need acknowledging, secondly, defund the police.
#yegcc @TopeOriola suggests two policies: a kill-and-go policy, and 3 strikes policy.
Read more on his thoughts here: https://theconversation.com/how-police-departments-can-identify-and-oust-killer-cops-140384
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