Modern capitalism reminds me of my harmful post-trauma behaviour: Just constantly working to my limits and beyond, frying my immune system and burning out in pursuit of endless growth with no concern for sustainability or repercussions.
A healthy society shouldn't find "hey let's just chill out at home and take it easy for a while to save lives" an existential crisis.
So capitalism is PTSD-me: In denial about my limits, unable to stop and relax for a moment without slipping into a breakdown. But grinding my way towards even greater collapse with the constant strain anyhow.
To extend the trauma analogy: we're hung up on the coping mechanisms we developed from the world wars and Great Depression. Sustained growth & public propping up of the market. It worked to provide prosperity and relative peace for a long time. But it could never be perpetual.
One of the most uncomfortable parts of complex-PTSD treatment for myself and the rest of my group has been accepting that our coping mechanisms may have worked for a long time. But they don't anymore. And forming new, lasting ones is VERY difficult.
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