Community slut 18+


‘’Good Afternoon Uncle Emeka’’ I greeted the
man living three houses from ours. Uncle Emeka was a bachelor who was well liked by all the children in the neighbourhood because he was pleasant to us all and used to buy things for us.
Sometimes he would give me chocolate bars, oreos, different kinds of biscuits and even cakes. There was a time he gave me a lap of fried chicken, he said it was his birthday and since I could not attend the party, he had
reserved a lap of chicken for me.
All the neighbours knew the kind of Aunt I had and the way she treated me and they tried in their little ways to be kind and helpful. It took me a while to realise that the men were more friendly than the women and went out of their ways to please me.
Not that the women weren’t, in fact, they all were but the menfolk showed extra care. Looking back in retrospect, I realise that the kind of signals I was unconsciously giving could only be deciphered by men and they did
decipher it.
‘’Angelica, how are you?’’ Uncle Emeka
responded, stopping to chat with me. ‘’I’m fine sir’’. ‘’Where’s your aunt? Uncle Emeka asked ‘’She travelled to the village with my uncle sir” ‘’so you are the only one at home?
‘’yes sir, as Paul has gone to evening lesson and won’t be back until 8pm sir’’ I innocently
replied. ‘’James and John’? he asked ‘’They are both at school’’ I replied ‘’Oh, I forgot that they are both in the university now. You must be quite lonely being home alone till
..wy don’t you help me take these things
to my flat and keep me company while I cook dinner? Or will you cook dinner for me? He asked with a funny look in his eyes. ‘’Yes uncle Emeka, I can cook dinner for you’’
I gladly replied as it was truly lonely being home alone
and I had masturbated so much that what my
Kittycat craved then was Joystick, hard Joystick. But in all fairness, I never thought that anything untoward would happen with Uncle Emeka. I only wanted something to take my mind off sex and needed company.
I looked unto him like I looked unto my Aunt’s husband. So I locked the gate and collected the bag of groceries he was carrying and followed him to his flat. It was a beautiful well-furnished flat, with nice chairs and a bigger tv set than ours.
I loved the look and feel of everything. He showed me where the kitchen was and all I needed to prepare the stew and rice he
wanted for dinner. In about an hour, I was through with the cooking and served him. He invited me to join but I didn’t so I sat on the couch watching TV
Soon afterwards, Uncle Emeka came and sat beside me on the couch and we were talking about the movie being shown then. I had on one of the hand me down dresses that my aunt had given me, it was tight as I was bigger everywhere than my aunt, the original
owner of the dress.
My bra-less Bosom were squashed flatly to my chest and straining to burst out but I was unconscious of it. Uncle Emeka went into his bedroom and changed into a short and singlet, then came back and sat beside me. He asked me to go and get him a glass of water in the fridge.
went but when I opened the fridge and bent to take the bottle of water from the fridge, Uncle Emeka grabbed my Bosom and squeezed them hard, managing to pinch my Tips
through the fabric of my dress. An involuntary moan escaped my lips as the bottle of water fell from my fingers
and I grabbed the door of the fridge to regain my balance. He had by this time pushed his hands under my dress and was groping my crotch through my panties which were soaked through. He pulled me closer and shut the fridge door, bringing his lips down on mine in a long kiss
while still groping my crotch and obviously trying to insert a finger in my Kittycat. My mind shut down and all I could think of was the pleasure of Uncle Emeka’s fingers on my Kittycat as it slide into my Kittycat. I didn’t even protest as lips still glued to mine
he led me into his bedroom and pulled off my dress before laying me on the bed. My bra less big round Bosom sprang out proudly from their confinement as my Tips were erect from the pinch he had inflicted on them. I was totally Unclad before him except for the
In one fluid movement, his fingers relieved me of the panties too and there I was on Uncle Emeka’s bed, Unclad and in all my glory. My Bosom heaved as I moaned. His Joystick had formed a tent in his boxers and you could see the angry head as it peeped from the boxer short
Soon he was divested of his shorts too and his Joystick sprang out free. I gasped and my eyes opened wider as I saw his Joystick. It was bigger and longer than James’ Joystick and I could see veins that looked like thick vines running from the base of the crown to the balls.
They were pinkish and engorged with blood. ‘’Are you a virgin? He asked. I shook my head to signify that I was not. He heaved a visible sigh of relief as he spread my legs to reveal my dripping Kittycat to his adoring eyes.
The downy hair surrounding my Kittycat gash glistened with moisture that was pooling from my Kittycat. Then he climbed on top of me and kissed me again deeply and I responded passionately. Then he took my erect Tips
in his mouth sucking and biting one after the other.
He kept doing this intermittently and my moans had increased to little screams as he interspersed his suck and lick with little nibbles on my Tips that sent fire spreading through my body. as he did this and I used both hands to press his head deeper onto my Bosom.
I wanted him to spread the fire from the Tip to all the flesh of my Bosom. He seemed to understand my need as he squeezed both Bosom together and took both Tips at
the same time into his mouth. It felt like heaven as the pleasure became centred on all part of my body.
A small orgasm hit me hard and I screamed as juice flowed from my Kittycat. I writhed in pleasure. It was way beyond what I usually
experienced. Uncle Emeka looked at me with hooded eyes as he slide down, planting little
kisses along the way as he went down my body.
I had never felt like this before, the pleasure was too intense and I just shut my eyes tightly, trying to hold on to the pleasure, feeling that it would escape if I should open my eyes. My belly tingled as his lipsntrailed a path through it.
My Kittycat was spasming and convulsing in anticipation. I knew where his lips were heading and I was eagerly awaiting it. My hips
were raised and my legs spread very wide apart, my Kittycat giving involuntary pulses. Soon his lips touched my Kittycat lips and I let out a moan

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