/ disclaimer: friends and i have spent the last day organizing and investigating so we could have the BEST idea of what is going on. like you guys were all confused. and we’re sad. i’m heartbroken.
if you’re gonna hate me go ahead but this has to be said
THE NAME: Kammi gave me her account info a little while ago and the email had the name kameron in it. I questioned her about it but she just said it was her brothers name. But friends have confirmed that she said her brother was dead. Not posting last name for obvious reasons.
THE FACE: Who is Keyani?
Keyani is Kamerons older sister. She does like Nicki Minaj. But no trace of Fortnite or ANYTHING on this page.
This is in fact Keyanis instagram. Where you can see the yellow dress picture ‘Kameron’ has posted multiple times.
THE ALT ACCOUNTS: This is her, that we are almost CERTAIN of. Lei is Kameron. And Kameron is actually a boy.
This is Kameron and Keyani in the same picture.
We’re almost certain THIS is also another alt of hers
Same with this
Kamerons tik tok. Also going as ‘Kyrie’
She/He sent me their wallpaper on their phone and this was the background. A picture of Keyani.
My reaction:
Kameron once again
The way Keyani types is completely different from kammi
Multiple people have said she sounds more masculine than feminine
When I added Kammi on snapchat from my contacts it came up with this
Keyani posts about smoking and drinking. If you know Kameron he/she claimed to NEVER drink or smoke.
Anyways, you do what you want with this info but she/he is a catfish. The evidence is here.
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