as an insomniac i would like to tell u comments like the ones ur making abt chn are INCREDIBLY unhelpful! it makes the idea of sleep stressful when it should be a time to rest. anyone who struggles with sleep is aware of the consequences+
he is a grown man and he knows how to take care of himself. it makes the person who does struggle with sleep feel guilty instead of trying to make themselves feel better and get the proper rest they need so please think before u tweet about it
and one more thing: struggling with sleep does not mean people aren't taking care of themselves. the 6 hours of sleep in a week was ONE time. chn knows how to take care of himself,, we're just his fans n we don't know him so please don't start assuming things from 1 thing u heard
we do try to sleep when we can, i promise lmao
last thing: i know some of u are just trying to help but please don't!! comments like these really do invalidate and downplay the things we go through,, i understand you're worried but saying "please rest" doesn't help. we've tried before, trust us.
keep having to add more lmao but yes we don't know if chn struggles with sleep or not but that is absolutely none of our business! whether he does or not, some of the comments y'all make come off as very insensitive and i know that's not ur intent but please be careful!
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