thread on grappling and growing:

can I give you an example of how I've grappled with learning and adopting some stuff into my practice? I think it's important to talk about these things publicly because even people doing this work for a while don't have all of the answers.
up until recently, I've struggled with how to include land acknowledgments in my workshops. it is not that I don't understand the importance of acknowledging the theft and genocide of Indigenous peoples, I just felt like doing an acknowledgment without action was hollow.
i know there is power in naming and i have also been in many spaces in which the acknowledgment has simply been an obligatory passing thought/done out of obligation. i wanted to ensure that my acknowledgment was done with reverence, understanding, and action.
so I read a lot and I watched videos and I followed and asked people I trusted. i am still learning and reading. in the meantime, I acknowledged that I was grappling with it, I listened to feedback. I invested in the work of Indigenous organizations and activists.
I didn't tweet photos of me in cool t-shirts or post updates of all of the learning I was doing. as I was trudging through the messiness, I checked in with accountability partners. more importantly, I began to implement the changes in my practice before I tweeted about it.
changing your practice is messy. it doesn't have to performative. i tweet a lot, but tweeting isn't the work. it's a cool place for me to be in community and post selfies and be in community.

all that to say, it's totally okay to just log off, be quiet and do the work.
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