Buckle up, 8 followers (the Hounds of Henry). Here's some knowledge nobody wants or asked for. Comedy is fun and I have met so many awesome people through it. That said, comedy is also a septic tank of an industry full of narcissistic, self obsessed maniacs.
So many of the right comics are the ones at the top of the ladder but there is also a huge portion of them that are there for no rhyme or reason. Comics gain huge followings for some reason or another, clubs sell out for a whole weekend with them headlining even though
as a stand up they aren't particularly good but they're famous so who cares? People lose their minds to watch someone they saw on this TV show or that movie. Whether they are funny or not is irrelevant. Sure, a lot of people are dumb but, rightfully, people also don't give a shit
that we are "grinding" and "chasing our dream". Nobody is making us do this. We are masochists who have brought this insanity upon ourselves. This is not a defense of the scumbags and the enablers in the industry. Far from it. That needs to change. However,
this is a reminder to comics, and myself, that when the narrative devolves to "This isn't fair. I should be so much further than I am", it's just pointless. If we aren't where we want to be, with obvious exceptions (especially for minorities and marginalized people)
then the chances are that we are where we are supposed to be. If you hate comedy that much then quit, scale back or do whatever it is you need to do. Doing comedy doesn't make us special. We aren't philosophers. We aren't the last guardians of truth and free speech.
We're a bunch of people standing on a stage, probably talking about weed, Tinder, sex, shit, or a made up story that never happened at all and then criticizing the crowd for how dumb they were/deflecting how shitty of a comic we might actually be. Let's stand up for the comics
who have been victimized, not diminish the personal value of comedy to anybody, but also realize how insignificant it is to be a comic and how insignificant the industry is as a whole. Perspective. I dunno.
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