When the WW2 ended... there was a frenzy to snatch up the NAZI scientists.

Originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later named Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (ALONG WITH THEIR FAMILIES) were brought to the United States. https://www.history.com/news/what-was-operation-paperclip
Many deniers think Operation Paperclip is a conspiracy theory...

This is a quick read (link to a pdf), because of the FOIA, which is worthy of your eyes:

These 'Nazi Scientists' were given 'privileges' it seems. We all know that WIKIPEDIA is biased, but there is still some good information and on their site.

For example; take a look at this image:

Wiki link 👉 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip
President George H.W. Bush "Address Before a Joint Session" speech.

12:00m is about when the speech starts if you want to hear the entire speech.

Pay special attention to 19:30 m

"Crisis in the PG, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity..."
GHWB was born in 1924.
The USA entered WW2 in 1941.
GHWB would have been 18 in 1942.
He did serve his country(Navy).
WW2 ended 1945.

Wikipedia has his ENTIRE life...
Like photos of visiting his grandparents in CA in 1925.

Almost too perfect?

Unrelated but spoopy...

Reconcile Bush's lengthy "Early Life" Wikipedia report with 100 year old photos to that of Obama's Wikipedia page.

Meet daddy...
Prescott Bush.
Many rabbit holes with the Bush family.

Key notes:
G'pah & Uncle = Yale grads
Member of Skull and Bones secret society
Board of Directors @ CBS

Wikipedia even knows the street address where GHWB was born... amazing!

ICYMI tho -

In 1942, when his son GHWB turned 18 & was off in the Navy in WW2, Prescott was laying the groundwork for...

Planned Parenthood?

"Served as the treasurer of the first nationwide campaign of Planned Parenthood in 1947"

A "Republican"? Earned seat via a death
Even though a government investigation CONFIRMED and seized the UBC bank...

Even though PB was 'a director & shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen"

Historian Herbert Parmet says there is no NAZI ties to see here.

So you must believe.
Union Banking Corporation

Prescott Bush was a 'Founding Member'
But I do not see ANYWHERE that his Father In Law, George Herbert Walker, tied Prescott Bush to it?

Wonder why that is?
I mean, they know the ADDRESS where GHWB was born, but omit UBC info??

Anyway, what is important to remember is that in 1942, when GHWB joined the Navy to fight Nazi Germany, his Dad's bank was being seized for being part of the funding process for NAZI Hitler.

A Republican (Prescott) working with a Democrat (Harriman) to launder $$ Fritz Thyssen.
Walker Family.
Bush Family.
Harriman Family.
Thyssen Family.

Who names their kid George Herbert Walker Bush? Walker Dad had significant POWER.

They ALL did.

Remind me again, did Prescott become a senator before or after this??

What. The. Fuck.

So the war ends, & all of a sudden German Nazis - let's call them "Scientists" - find their way into America.

Some sitting side by side with presidents while they run NASA lol.

But "Doctors", well they were tried and a good bit were hung (deservingly).

Now that we have a nice pot of 'coup' boiling...
Let's sprinkle some patriarch seasoning for some flavor.

Samuel Prescott Bush.

Took over for a Rockefeller?
Tied to Harriman?
Tied to Federal Reserve??

Was this the beginning or just a continuation??

Rev. James Smith Bush

Yale Grad... Among 300 alumni & faculty who supported the founding of the Wolf's Head Society in 1883.

Wolf's Head (secret) Society was created to "counter the dominance of the Skull and Bones Society"

His father, Obadiah Newcomb Bush, went to CA for the gold rush and died coming back to get his family.

2nd wife, Harriet Eleanor (Fay) - 6th gen removed from immigrant patriarch John Fay.

Nothing damning - just cool history.

Took a church health sabbatical on Monadnock 👇
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