Let's review Richmond
6/13 RPD officer needlessly hits protesters with car, RPD lies about window being busted up
6/14 RPD use chemical agents on protesters outside police station
6/15 RPD use chemical agents and rubber bullets on protesters outside police station
6/16 Mayor asks the chief to resign, defends RPD's tactics. Police station becomes militarized zone.
6/17 New police chief is discovered to have fatally shot a man in the back twice
6/18 New police chief refuses to talk about fatal shooting, RPD lies about Mayor's home attacked
6/19 Juneteenth celebration, mayor meets celebrities avoids celebration
6/20 Gunman spotted on roof where protesters were gathered, it was an off-duty cop from the airport
6/21 RPD and state police spend father's day night securing a statue by bringing militarized zone to Fan
All of this is while Richmond police have been under scrutiny because they used tear gas on a peaceful crowd on June 1st.
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