And WWDC2020 begins
Apple WWDC 2020 THREAD:
Haha. When it’s noticeably less awkward during the Apple conference because they don’t have to talk live in front of people. 😂 Ah, coders.
Less bookmarks open, more focus.
Less app home screens needed, more efficient! It just makes sense!
Siri is no longer full screen 🙌🏻
Them: Apple Maps has “New ways to get there”!

Me: Improved maps that actually track road closures and crashes?

Them: be enrionmentally friendly and BIKE or drive electric cars!

K back to Waze
Digital Key to your car on your iPhone on the new BMW 5 series with CarPlay.

You can share this key with contacts, too.
App Clip means you can use apps on the go without having to download the full app on the go.
❓Why am I live tweeting WWDC2020 on a business and personal development twitter❓

✅ Because you need to make sure your phone and devices WORK FOR YOU and your business!!

Know your tools, work more efficiently! 👊🏻
I don’t own or use an #ApplePencil...

But their updates announced at WWDC today are AMAZING resources for #artists!!
If you like coding or thinking about how core works...

The new Spatial Audio features on the AirPods Pro...

I could see Biking for Maps on Apple Watch being really helpful!
Wind Down for Apple sounds great.

Basically, it turns on Do Not Disturb, lowers your light, and helps you start a routine to get to quality sleep on time.

@TheSleeper2020 would be a fan. 😉
Shadows + Tactile/Embossed look to icons is coming back to popularity.

Now’s a good time to hop on that train.
You can follow @WeArePoise.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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