GP This seems to be the basis for the other generations thinking GenX either doesn't care or thinks it's superior to everyone else.
GP We don't. We know we're uniquely shaped and f*cked up by our formative years and our parents' generation's beliefs and practices.

We don't blame y'all for that. We're *all* messed up by those factors.
GP What GenX does seem to agree on is Boomers have *clearly* f*cked up America with their "free love, no consequences, you're your own truth" horseshit.
GP And whereas Boomers dabbled in communism and socialism, Millennials and Zoomers are now full-on adopting them as superior to capitalism and democracy.

This is stupid on steroids and *far* more dangerous than we've ever done, at least to everyone else.
GP We're not numerous enough to have meaningfully impacted the country and the world like the destructive Boomer hippie culture did, and like the Millennial/Zoomer cancel culture currently is.
GP Although we were the first generation of latchkey kids, with working parent(s), the first generation widely impacted by divorce in our childhoods, a(n arguable) drug crisis, an HIV/AIDS crisis, the Vietnam War's aftermath, + multiple financial crises, we didn't have it so bad.
GP We also had the Reagan Years, which the other generations mock us for revering (or at a minimum thinking it was an OK, fairly safe and prosperous time to be alive), an extended period of peace, the fall of the Soviet Union, and a fairly decent job/home environment.
GP We didn't see the massive societal spasms that Boomers, Millennials, and Zoomers had during their formative years. There were issues, sure. But they weren't anything like the 1960s or now.
GP We also didn't see the rapidly leapfrogging tech advances (for the most part) that the other generations saw/see. Things advanced, sure. But there wasn't a moon landing or an internet/cell phone revolution during much of our time.

These were mammoth disruptions.
GP Also, for better or worse, we didn't experience that much racial unrest during our teenage and young adult years. I'm not saying things were perfect, but we weren't at each others' throats and blaming everyone else for our problems.

Cities (except for LA) weren't burning.
GP Sure, we made contributions. We still are. But none have been particularly world-shaking for us. I guess Bezos gave us Amazon, which is awesome, but it's really impacted the younger folks more than us, and it's crushed more than a few of GenXers' businesses.
GP I guess the point is GenX likes things quiet. We didn't have it too bad. No world wars, no pandemics, no major societal upheavals (at least in the US).

We like stability and predictability. We like rule of law. Some of us want change, but not as fast as the other generations
GP We're the middle children trapped between a narcissistic older sister whom everyone adores and the precocious tech/hive mind coddled younger brother from whom people expect great things without much evidence he'll produce anything.

We got lost in the mix.
GP We don't feel bad for ourselves. In fact, we don't mind when you don't notice us much at all.

We just don't want you to f*ck up our formerly nice, quiet, predictable worlds. We *like* our rule of law. We *like* constitutional restrictions on government.
GP We've seen (some of us firsthand) the horrors of socialism and communism and are firmly DO NOT WANT.

We value individual rights, even if we disagree with you. We just want those rights vindicated according to the rules.
GP I think we find comfort in structure in rules and processes because so many of us lacked predictability in our families growing up. Not all of us, but enough to color or generational view.

We know things get bad when chaos creeps in.
GP We don't particularly want to tell anyone what to do. Mostly we want to be left alone.

But we'll be damned if we're going to stand by and pretend that socialism is the answer, that all wypipo are racist ab initio, or that government/media complex is a good thing.
GP If you want us to shut up and go away, fine. We're happy to go back to minding our knitting.

But in return, kindly stop f*cking up our country by politicizing every last damned area of human life and inviting government thugs in to enforce your stupid diktats.
GP And, in the wise words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
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