White people try to storm Area 51 every other year. But some fireworks are a bit too much to handle. Bit of a stretch, so to speak.

And yes I’m calling @socialistdogmom out by name because y’all keep putting her on my TL as this woke YT woman and here she is gaslighting folx. https://twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1274696671595769856
Because here’s the thing. Gaslighting Black folx and even Black conspiracy theorists like what @socialistdogmom is doing is completely intentional. Even by the “woke ones”. In the interest of protecting Whiteness and White supremacy.
And here’s the thing. Here’s the reason I’m not so quick to denounce Black “conspiracy theorists”:

The stuff that has happened to Black people in this country (and even elsewhere in the world) IS the stuff of conspiracy theories. It IS the stuff of science fiction.
And YET, it has happened anyway.
Henrietta Lacks. The Tuskegee Experiments. The Mississippi Appendectomy. The FBI puppetmastering MLK’s assassination. Infiltration of White supremacist forces into the police force. COINTELPRO and how they systematically infiltrated and dismantled (& murdered) the Black Panthers.
The “mysterious” suicides of most of the Ferguson activists. Seneca Village. The Tulsa Riots of 1921 that most of you White motherfuckers didn’t know about until Watchmen taught you.
Hell, if we really wanted to go there, the existence of systemic racism in this country could be considered a conspiracy theory in itself with how aggressive this country’s White populations try to gaslight every other marginalized group on this country about it.

It’s insidious.
And let’s not even forget Reagan and them FLOODING Black neighborhoods with fucking CRACK in the 80s. To fund their little “war”.
And folx have even caught these officers/firefighters planting bricks and lighting fireworks of their own redhanded, so what exactly are you fucking talking about @socialistdogmom?
This is to say that, as per usual, White folks like @socialistdogmom have inserted themselves in a conversation they have no place being in. If you don’t believe us, then just quietly shut the fuck up & wait for your 15-year-old kid/niblings to attempt to storm Area 51.

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