just did something that felt scary even though it shouldn't have -- a brand with a large online following reached out inviting me to speak in a zoom talk series they're doing in an effort to "amplify black voices." i asked if this was a paid opportunity. they said it was not.
the rep explained that while the interview was not paid, they are a big fan of my writing and would love to bring my perspective to the brand’s large audience. but they "totally understand if it won’t work out."
i responded by confirming that no compensation was, indeed, a dealbreaker. i added: “In this moment when we’re all figuring out more equitable ways to amplify black and brown voices, I would highly recommend considering how important compensation is in that equation."
such an incredibly banal and obvious observation, but one that i don’t think i would have shared as a 20-something writer trying to find my footing in a very white industry. so, i'm proud of myself.
i am exhausted. i have been writing (about race) all weekend. i literally haven’t slept since saturday. my mind, my time, and my opinions have value. asserting that value can be hard, but it's so so important.
but what's equally important is that the people who claim they want to amplify voices like mine ALSO see that value and pay accordingly. i'm supporting myself and three other family members, as well as family back home. this shit ain't a game.
anyway. felt the need to share that, for somebody, somewhere. wish me good luck on getting through the rest of this day lol.
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