If I may hazard an opinion...

Everyone always knew that the younger generation, just by sheer numbers and enthusiasm, could sway elections. I've heard my grandparents say it, my parents say it, and my teachers. So, why don't they pay more attention to what youth are doing? 1/?
I think I know why. How could my grandparents' generation have organized? Land lines? Word of mouth? They had tv, newspapers, and radio, of course, but adults sort of acted as gatekeepers there. Organizing was hard. My parents? My dad said he got his first email in his 20's. 2/?
Today? Just one generation later, and hundreds of thousands, even millions, of young people talk to each other in a giant group-think every day. We aren't smarter or more engaged, we just have tools the world has never seen before, and we grew up with them. 3/?
We didn't just grow up with them, we *live* them.

So what's got me thinking about this?

This morning my 12 year old cousin messaged me and told me "nickvideos stopped supporting Trump!"

If you have no idea who or what nickvideos is I'll tell you. 4/?
He's a 17 year old conservative Ticktocker who makes videos about politics.

Don't you roll your eyes at my tweet!

If you did, that's the problem I'd like to discuss.

You see, nickvideos has hundreds of thousands of followers. His views are in the millions. 5/?
For every one kid that saw a single democratic debate, I'd bet 5 saw live streams of nickvideos debating young liberals, communists, libertarians, etc.

Sure, the logic is tiresome, and I'm guessing about 90% of his followers can't vote yet, but they will be old enough soon. 6/?
What got me thinking about this?

I tried to find a news article about it. It appears nobody over the age of 18 cares.

Then I realized nobody was talking about the TickTock/Twitter movement to punk Trump by creating Google Voice numbers and emails to request... 7/?
...tickets to his Tulsa Rally until over a week past when it started. Now, you're starting to hear adults go, "Wait a minute, a bunch of kids on TickTock and K-pop fans just rendered millions of dollars with of data that Trump could use for targeted marketing useless." 8/?
How? Because literally millions of kids were in on it, knew about it, and were talking about it two weeks ago! The speed that they organized around the world, shared how-to videos, and cheered each other on was something that other generations simply didn't have available. 9/?
Conclusion: News outlets that keep adults informed are really dropping the ball by not covering these things. They're huge! KIDS are affecting this election in very real ways, and they'll be voting in the next. 10/11
So my question to adults that want to stay up on political movements...are you planning to spend a couple minutes watching nickvideos as he gives his reasons for taking down the Trump 2020 flag in his bedroom?

Hundreds of thousands of politically engaged teens will be. 11/11
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