I was 4yrs old when I had my first sexual experience.

That's a sentence that should never be said.

I was 3yrs old when I was left black and blue so bad that my bruises were still visible in my stockings.

#SpeakOut #MeToo #BlackLivesMatter Thread.. 1/25
I was 6yrs old when I learned that my skin colour worked against me.

As I got older shit didn't get worse, it just morphed Into other experiences. Not all were tragic some were just shit. But as I got older I experienced more good than bad as is the way life goes... 2/25
At 13 I took up modelling, suprisingly I dont have any "model" stories pretty heavily protected by the agency at the time but I can't speak for everyone. My worst experiences during modelling were the girls at Highschool cause jealous bitches 🤣 ... 3/25
By 14yrs old I was propositioned randomly by grown men every now and then, nothing like some girls, but by the time I was 15 it was a regular occurrence walking back and forth from school.
I ended up taking a route that was longer to ensure it was always busy..just in case 4/25
When I was 17 my Dr questioned whether I was telling the truth about not being sexually active because it was "unheard of". The nurse came to my aid. She was my hero that day, cause it was tiring explaining I wasnt interested in sex 5/25
As I left studies & entered the workforce I saw some shit. Dont get me wrong I had my wild moments, consensual & with adults. I told myself I wasnt going to be defined by someone elses actions and I lived by that. Not saying it didn't affect me rather... compressed ... 6/25
By the time I was 18, catcalling, tooting horns and lewd remarks out of windows was my norm. It used to piss off my husband but like me and by now he grew to get used to it. Unwanted attention, particularly by drunk men was common, groping was so common I can't even... 7/25
No I didn't dress in short skirts and tight tops, long pants and skirts that came to just my knees was my thing back then. Probably a sub conscious thing because of everything before. 8/25
Anyways as a young adult I grew to think this was normal, often listening to and accepting how my husband and his friends valued women, or treated them.
Nothing massively degrading but degrading nonetheless, unsure if there are levels in degredation 9/25
At 19 Im a barman, & you experience things. I never understood why one of the girls showed me how to shoo people out of the bar with a pool cue. After a year I got it.
As for the odd time the bar got in strippers, for shows or dancers.. 10/25
(regardless whether they were males or females)... fuck....you have no idea what a entitled sexual pest looks like until you get strippers and that goes for both males and females. Creepy as fuck shit, I would end up having to stay in at the hotel part for safety... 11/25
Not long after bar life I was introduced to the music scene. Well that was a fucking insight and while I have a few stories, none of them are mine to share. But I saw shit and I remember. "Fame" does weird shit to people.. 12/25
When I got married and had my sons shit didn't stop. It was just that normal.
As a woman I was a sexualised being. Any success was due to my "looks" or my "colour". It was so common and I had heard it so often I was never "shocked", just kind of accepted it as life.. 13/25
I always fancied those pencil skirts and while I was working at a big corp, I bought one to wear in the office. It had a slit at the back but it showed nothing but the back of my knees. It was tight but not as tight as my jeans and the older women constantly wore.. 14/25
..clothing that showed off their cleavage, so my thinking was that the back of my knees should be fine and I worked with all women. I was so proud cause it was classy and in my mid 20s so was feeling boss bitch 🤣 15/25
I was called Into a meeting with my boss (a woman) who worked in an entirely different city... actually different island, and while their had been no complaints word had "travelled" and the men in my office building were saying things that were "lewd" & "inappropriate" 16/25
I was asked to change MY clothing from now on as it was distracting.
The men couldn't be asked to change their behaviour because "seniority" and it was just easier if I dressed down from now on. My supervisor was livid but what could you do? Its just the way it was 🤷🏽‍♀️ 17/25
When it came to my next industry, what I saw was the most depressing. Those who has groped me in bars, followed me as I walked home from school had kids & now these kids were famous or on there way there and using their status to "get pussy" 18/25
Men who grew up and found their careers & like me normalised to sexualisation were starting to use the advantages of their positions.
Girls were backed into corners or put in positions where they feared losing their "contact" or being cancelled 19/25
I myself didn't really "see" the disproportionate in power or how these girls were being positioned.
Until I saw the threats, death threats, revenge porn threats, & the girls being made to look like "teases" or "doing it to get stuff" 20/25
Attempts to ruin reputations, While the men were placed to look like poor guys being used. And fuck me the trouble you had if you "didn't play ball"
That was my "enough" moment.
Fuck these cunts
I have sons... 21/25
As a parent I tried to teach them to be better humans to not do what was done to me, but as a parent I also had to show I wouldn't tolerate that shit either and neither should they.
So I trained myself to no longer be silent or accepting of this type of behaviour... 22/25
And I implore you to do the same.
Your future daughters deserve to be treated respectfully, so my challenge is to not let fuckers get away with this shit but more importantly say something when you see it. A tweet saying its unacceptable is fine but walk the fucking talk 23/25
Dont protect people because they're famous, well connected, or because it gives you options. Value the women in your life over how many views or engagement you'll get.
And also dont fucking use these hashtags to get back at your ex, regret, or revenge. 24/25
This thread may end up in the Twitter sphere never to see any engagement, but if it helps just one person to have courage to speak up, then its worth it.
So heres to the brave ones who spoke up & courage to those who are yet too. ❤️
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