So, for the past few hours, we've been reminding CARATs to hold off on their votes and also, be ready to drop votes at 10PMKST-11PMKST so we can maintain our lead.For the whole day, we've been sitting comfortably on a 20k average
Then as it leads to 10PM KST, there is a sudden uptick in votes, we are now 48,649 votes in lead, EVEN IF WE'VE ADVISED/ POSTED BEFORE of how the other fandom typically votes nocturnally, no matter how secret their drop is, anyone with 2 eyes can see who's dropping shit or not
So that'd be good right, sitting on a nearly 50k votes, but as we've said before this is a 2x vote event. It can turn tables because we've observed their voting pattern to be consistently dropping votes of 10k-15k votes when needed. And that's how this graph shows our decline
Our voting team has been very transparent in our goal to pool funds for the points, bc as much as we would like to think these apps are fun, we live in a capitalistic and gamified world. You pay or you don't. So that's why we've been having donation drives
Which is by the way still on going, because while I'm mad we lost this event, I still believe we can clean our shit up. So for the sake of transparency, I am dropping what we have received as a team as donation. For 1 day, donations were 5095PHP, and we added out 3375PHP.
And believe me we used all of those 8,470PHP (170USD) to get 6 full packs, and 3 additional packs all of which we have alloted to voting to maintain a lead. So whenever we see our difference be less than 1k, we collectively dropped 1k so we would have 2k votes to buffer us.
Honestly, we are just a team of 7 or 8 people trying to get our shit together. And we only want CARATs to seriously consider that hey, WE ARE NOT ORGANISED ENOUGH. WE WANT SO MUCH FOR SVT, but only 5% of the people who we approached bothered to come back to us.
An RT or promotion of our donation tweet is good. We have always thanked everyone who took notice of it and we are very understanding if they could not afford to vote. However, please, note that even a measly 10 pesos, 1 USD, 1,000 won can really help out.
Your serious involvement in voting can really make or break our dream for getting SVT that AD! Let's not be complacent ok. SVT works hard and we should work as hard for them. So please, help us by either donating or voting. We are really in need of pooled votes, and organization.
We still have until the 26th though, so this is just a disappointing bump in the road, but I hope this thread makes you take the poll a little more seriously. Otherwise this imagination twt will just be imagination for all of us.
You can follow @chweleesoz.
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