Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 1: Issue #140; art by Rags Morales.

I like this issue a lot. It sets up the new norm for Nightwing, situates him in NYC at the Cloisters (coolest base he's had), and starts a cool pattern of cameos from other heroes, in this case, Tim.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 2: Issue #141

One of my favorite single issues of Nightwing, ever. Dick moves into the Cloisters fully, sets up safe houses throughout NYC, and basically grounds himself in the city. Featuring cameos by John Stewart, the JSA, and Wally.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 3: Issue #142; art by @RagsMorales

This issue involves Dick beginning his investigation in earnest into the primary conflict of the first arc. In his off time, he's still working as an acrobat coach, and these scenes show how good he is with kids.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 4: Issue #143; art by Don Kramer

This issue is pretty well known for being the fun Nightwing/Robin road trip team up, where they infiltrate a mad scientist's base and halt his experiments. Super pulp adventure/sci-fi and I love it. Tim is great too
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 5: Issue #144; art by Don Kramer and Rags Morales

A bit of a breather issue that showcases Nightwing saving random people throughout NYC, it also sets up the next stage of the Talia story. I like this panel cause it shows his strategic mind.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 6: Issue #145; art by @RagsMorales

Nightwing continues to clash with Talia, the bird people (created by Talia's mad scientist), and prepares his final assault. I like this shot cause NW looks cool in the rain after winning a fight.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 7: Issue #146; art by Don Kramer

This is the conclusion of the first arc, Freefall, and is Dick's final battle with Talia and her mad scientist, Dr. Creighton (she eventually teams up with him towards the end). The final battle looks awesome:
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 8: Issue #147; art by Don Kramer

Part one of The Great Leap, this issue starts an interesting Nightwing vs Two-Face arc that gets into the intricacies of their history. Lots of great action sequences in this whole run, this shot especially.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 9: Issue #148; art by Rags Morales.

This issue starts with Dick getting injured and getting patched up by Alfred. The return of the Robin-Cycle is a nice touch, and we see the personal toll crimefighting takes on both Dick and Alfred.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 10: Issue #149; art by Don Kramer.

This issue has Dick fighting Fear Toxin and battling hallucinations of the Batman Rogues Gallery. He uses the memory of his parents to ground himself and get out of the hallucination. Good stuff.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 11: Issue #150; art by Don Kramer.

Dick's battle with Two-Face comes to a head, and there's some great action in this issue. My favorite panel is this one though, because I love the line "Life's a carnival, Barbara, believe it or not."
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 12: Issue #151; art by Doug Mahnke & Shawn Moll.

This issue wraps up many of the running threads of the series, including Two-Face, Dick's love life, the superhero cemetery, and his increasingly high sky-dives.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 13: Issue #152; art by Don Kramer.

This issue deals with the fallout of Bruce's death between Dick and Ra's. They fight, it's great. There's a lot of great panels in this one, but the final one, where Ra's calls Dick "Detective" is my favorite.
Nightwing by @PeterJTomasi Day 14: Issue #153; art by Don Kramer.

The final issue of Nightwing's first ongoing solo, which ran from 1996 to 2008. Wraps up Dick's time in NYC, shows his growth from orphan boy to Nightwing, paralleled with Bruce (recently dead). Fantastic issue.
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