I live in the high desert of SW Utah. 4 months ago when quarantine began, started ordering everything online, no stores. Gonna be 106° today. 6 weeks ago, as it heated up, began putting out ice cooler, drinks & snacks daily. Amazing kind exchanges happened, love amplifies itself
This is all a set up so I can share with you that our security system recorded a video of a worker encountering it on a hot day and getting on his knees and crying and going WH- WHAT? I HAVE NEVER- overcome with emotion. Then he said thank you to the doorbell camera.
He came back another time, and he mentioned that he just thought it was real cool and he appreciated it, and I said well, you do really hard work and we think you’re cool and we appreciate you. Now please grab a handful of Pepsi’s, I know it’s hot and you’re LDS and can’t at home
Oh I put the good shit in there. One of the postal workers told us that she really loves the fig bars, so it’s a fig bar central. I got some peanut butter cracker thingies and almond bags for the dudes, I should probably add jerky.
Hey anyway, feel free to steal this idea, another wonderful person in our desert rural area has been doing this just with bottles of water forever and she’s the one who inspired me. I hope everybody likes the crazy lady Dr. Bronner’s soap labeling I did thanks all
Oh by the way it was just some random ass brand cheap ice cooler not a 10x more expenYETIsive one, the thing stays cold with regular old water ice for 48 hours even in 106° and full sun. I should amazon-affiliate-link it here and make some dough but then I’d suck haha
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