Non-transfeminine person: I'm being oppressed in this specific way and it sucks
Randos: *solidarity*

Trans woman: I'm being oppressed in this specific way and it sucks
Same randos: GOD I'm so SICK of these SELFISH trans women, they should ignore their own problems to boost MINE
This is a really specific thing that really does happen and guess what? "Other ppl have that happen too" about something that is a widespread problem for trans women has some real "all lives matter" energy. Your misogyny is showing and it's fucking gross.
Want to highlight the plight of trans men? Go research and make your own thread, rather than trying to guilt trip a woman into taking hers down and doing more research to make sure you're not just included but highlighted. Stop shitting on trans women's work and do your own.
Next time I see "what about trans men, how rude" in reply to a transfeminine person's impassioned and well-researched thread that obviously was a lot of work, I'm handing out homework assignments. I know patriarchy says otherwise, but trans or cis, WOMEN AREN'T YOUR FREE LABOR.
Yes, trans men have a steaming shit sandwich handed to them by this society, with extra helpings along the way. Yes, non-feminine nonbinary ppl have a rough time. The fact that *I felt I had to state this obvious shit is a great example* of the eggshells you'd have us walk on.
If the answer to "I don't feel represented by a different group's activism" is "try to punish that group into representing me" instead of "do some activism too" then what the fuck is your problem
Trans men and non-feminine nonbinary ppl: I challenge you to look at the names on any random five years of the TDOR list, and think about why the most well-known sympathetic Hollywood depiction of a trans/gnc person being killed in a hate crime is transmasc and white.
Sit with that for a while, and if you can come back and explain to me why a woman who is doing work should use that work to *prioritize you above their needs, without any effort from you* that isn't misogynistic bullshit I'll take this thread down and apologize.
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