On Saturday night Trump rambled for over half an hour about his ability to walk down ramps and drink from a glass of water.

His supporters cheered wildly and then chanted Four More Years!

Never has anyone done so little and gotten so much worship.

The absurdity of Trump's water drinking stunt was only overshadowed by the sycophants worshipping him for it, saying he was the "GREATEST. PRESIDENT. EVER."

It was stupid and laughable, but what this all reveals is that Trump is an incredible beneficiary of white supremacy.

Make no mistake.

Trump would not have been president had he not followed in the wake of Barack Obama, the first African American to hold the office.

Unconsciously, racists found the most buffoonish, incompetent man possible to prove their worst could be president as well.

What Trumpists did was take a laughable cartoonish man with no redeemable values whatsoever and elevate him to the highest possible position of power.

Their inherent prejudice and racism, like American culture has done for decades, transformed him into something else.

There is really no comparing Trump and Obama.

One is the son of privilege and the other a self-made man. One dangerously incompetent, the other one of the most level-headed presidents.

Their stark differences aren't coincidental. It's proof of America's white supremacy.

What Trump supporters have done is what white supremacy has done for generations.

It takes incompetent white men, scrubs them clean of their flaws, and elevates them based on a mythology with absolutely no relationship to reality.

This is the basis of our modern world.

Concepts like "meritocracy" are broken and conceal privilege and white supremacy that have been making America work since its beginning.

The deck has always been stacked for white supremacists, and our reality and history have been altered in their favor.

This is why Trump was so adamant about his inauguration. The empty spaces and sparse crowds ran counter to the narrative of his life.

Because of white supremacy, he was a winner, the greatest at everything he had ever done.

Reality crashed into him.

To see that Barack Obama's inauguration had been way more crowded was to witness a life-destroying truth: there was no scrubbing the record clean because of privilege and white supremacy.

Trump had been bested, and that was unacceptable.

Trump bizarrely harped on the inauguration crowd size, even had images manipulated to hide a fact that everyone knew.

This was about privilege. It was about a worldview where white supremacy was an immutable fact instead of a system of privilege.

As president, Trump has continually lied and oversold his achievement even as our eyes and ears tell a different story.

It's because he's lost in his own reality where white privilege has kept him aloft and kept him a winner.

His reality is clashing with actual reality.

Even as his wall has faltered and fallen over, he continues to speak of it like it's a perfect defense, a specimen, an achievement.

This is because Trump has suffered one failure after another but has never ACTUALLY suffered failure personally.

Trump was born into wealth. His father Fred Trump gifted him his initial fortune, which Donald has continually undersold and lied about.

In Trump's mind, he really is a self-made man, even though he began miles ahead of nearly every other American.

The image that Trump has given the world is as an extremely wealthy and successful world-beater, but reality tells us a different story.

He has failed at everything.

Literally everything.

Even in industries where people CAN'T fail.

Trump absolutely cratered in the gambling business, which is as stacked against the customer as anything else in the world.

His forays into gambling were laughably pathetic and veterans of the industry still laugh about it to this day.

Even as he flailed with his Taj Mahal, Trump returned to his parents, who again injected $3 million dollars into his failing casino.

Like everything else, Trump always had the security of his family's wealth there to save him from his own incompetence.

But it was all for nothing.

Trump was such an immense failure and terrible businessman that the Taj Mahal went under, dragging Trump into financial ruin and total societal embarrassment.

White supremacy was there to save him, however.

Trump's incompetence was historic in measure. At one point he lost more than any other American.

Look at that again.

Trump was by far the most unsuccessful person in the United States of America for a decade.

But here's what happened.

Because Trump was the face of "success" and the strength of American meritocracy, bankers and debt-holders decided he was worth more for his image than he was to destroy financially.

He became a mascot for American wealth and white supremacy.

That's right.

Trump was saved by his failures by people who saw profit to be made from selling him as a success while he was one of the least successful men in the country.

That's white supremacy. A need for the illusion to continue power and systems of profit.

Let's look at Trump as he is portrayed by his supporters.

Despite doing nothing and deserving none of it, he is lavished with false praise for things he hasn't accomplished.

He is glorified as a warrior, given a physique he doesn't have, qualities he doesn't possess.

Despite being pathetic and displaying a disgusting lack of patriotism or duty, he is painted as a warrior, a patriot on the level of the Founding Fathers.

He is transformed via white people's desperate need to square the picture and maintain the illusion of a meritocracy.

Despite having no understanding of history and possessing nothing resembling actual patriotism, he is turned into a revolutionary war-like figure.

It's all because they need to believe wealth and power and the American myth are intertwined.

It's a desperate need.

Even while Trump has never shown any interest in his children, family, outdoors, and has probably never actually fished, see how they make him an American institution here, coating him in layers he doesn't possess.

It's a need to build him up as proof of the American myth.

Of course, this goes on beyond paintings and memes.

It's present in their need to make Trump a man of God despite his lack of faith and piety.

It's about combining white supremacy, the fake meritocracy, and religion into a tight, neat package.

It's because of this they've made him a messiah, given him a seat at the hand of God. This buffoonish, total failure has to be raised up on high and turned into a holy figure.

That's what white supremacy does to continue its story and guard it from criticism.

The point is, Trump drinking from a glass of water without spilling on himself is a laughable moment.


It's probably one of the few actual things he's accomplished in his presidency.

They cheered because it was something.

They cheered because they have to.

In Trump, white supremacists and people lost within the white supremacist reality HAVE to believe everything he does is perfect.

His wealth and power demand it, because the myth of white supremacy is so fragile and inherently brittle that any disturbance could destroy it.

White supremacy is built on an unstable foundation of lies, myths, and distortions.

Trump has lived in that tower his entire life, has been saved by it, served by it, empowered by it.

They cheer when he drinks water because to them it is a miracle. It has to be a miracle

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