1) White privilege isn’t just “white ppl don’t deal w/race-based descrimination.” It’s that the system rewards things associated w/white culture, including ways of speaking, a devotion to authority, specific family structures, etc. & provides the benefit of the doubt to white...
2) ppl who deviate from these norms while framing other colonized groups as “savages” to varying degrees due to cultural traits that rebel against these norms. This includes a questioning of white authority, matriarichal family structures, & assertions of uniqueness, among...
3) other things. When your non-white colleagues raise concerns, understand that often, they don’t want to adapt to the norm, they want the system to mind it’s business & let them do their jobs w/o comments on their hair, accent, food, etc. They are rejecting the passive ways...
4) these things are enforced, telling you that a requirement is singling them out, & requesting that the org address it in some way. I’ve seen “privilege” thrown around alot, but I’d like to posit that checking one’s privilege isn’t just knowing that it exists and attempting...
5) not to exploit it, but taking time in the moment to realize the ways you’re actually being REWARDED for a combination of things you probably don’t even think about. Specifically, what are those rewards? What do they cost? What does it say about you that the reward giver...
6) is comfortable rewarding you? This last one is particularly important because, in my experience, if you keep actively being rewarded for something, you’ve made the dominant group comfortable & are complicit. Birds of a feather...People shouldn’t be comfortable thoughtlessly...
7) enabling around you. Problematic people shouldn’t see the replication of their system in you. It’s crucial that privilege isn’t just avoided, but that its rewards are rejected & disrupted. Unjust power is still unjust, even when redirected towards the marginalized...
8) The goal isn’t to bring us into the room, it’s to tear down the walls, hold the people that made them accountable, & create a world where walls are never more important than people.
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