Me, on every single time I see someone talk about anti-racism simply as a matter of 1) empathy, 2) education 3) and/or individual choice:
Ignorance is not simply not knowing: it is a structure of knowing, of refusing to know. Ignorance is its own set of epistemes! You can’t call that fragility!
This is why John Brown eschewed dialogue, why Saidiya Hartman said trying to educate whites about racism has failed: you cannot engage an ontological frame of un-humaning with the selfish mission of white absolution, of trying to make them better. That cannot be the point!
I feel like I’m going crazy that the response to black people being mowed down centers white decency instead of the frantic rush to address the metaphysical-material conditions that necessitate our deaths. That is frantic and anxious self-soothing, not anti-racism.
“I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.”

All talk no action, he said. We have to destroy the world.
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