One of the biggest problems with wrestling is that it has treated itself like some sort of secret boys club instead of a business. Let's talk about how actual businesses address some of these issues. A thread...
1) Concern reporting. There are literally companies you can hire to provide a hotline and take in reports. Callers can choose to remain anonymous or identify themselves.
2) A Code of Conduct for employees, including a clear process of how any issues reported will be investigated and dealt with. Any new employee must read and certify they have read. The Code is readily available for both employees and the public.
3) Training. Sexual harassment training, unconscious bias training, don't defraud our clients training. Again, there are many vendors out there that offer affordable modules that can be done online.
4) Zero tolerance policies. Anyone found to be engaging in behavior not in keeping with the code is fired immediately.
5) Openess and transparency. Rumors are addressed. Decisions are explained (to the extent possible respecting confidentiality, laws, ongoing criminal investigation etc)
6) Willingness to engage external legal counsel to provide guidance and 7) engage independent, external investigators when the situation calls for it
8) Resources for employees physical and mental well being, from outside independent providers and paid for by the firm.

So how can we translate this to wrestling?
The "big boys" should band together and pool resources to create an independent organization focused on providing a safe experience for both workers and fans.
The governance of this organization should consist of people involved in wrestling, fans, and people from completely outside of wrestling who have experience in these issues
Promotions and wrestlers could join the organization free of charge on the condition that they:
Wrestlers -
Comply with the code of conduct
Complete a certain number of hours of training every year
Cooperate fully with investigation of any complaint lodged against them
Promoters -
Commit to booking only wrestlers who are in good standing with the organization
Set time aside before shows for this organization to provide in person training
Cooperate fully with any investigation of themselves or their wrestlers
Allow independent observers back stage to observe their culture

This organization would provide:
Concern reporting
Resources for people involved in wrestling to get help if they are struggling
Independent investigation
And probably some other stuff I'm not thinking of.
Being in good standing with this organization could provide some sort of certification and we, as fans, could chose to only support wrestlers / feds that are certified
I have no idea how to do this. I have no idea if it can be done without becoming some twisted, corrupt thing that just perpetuates a shitty environment and covers up wrongdoing. But something has to change, and those are my ideas.
I kinda ran out of steam at the end here and have a lot more in my mind, but I'm supposed to be working right now, so may expound more on this later.
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