felix is a member of stray kids. felix was born in sydney on september 15th 2000. now, felix is 19 years old. felix speaks fluent english. felix said korean was hard but felix's korean has improved sooo much and stays are so proud him.
felix has a really deep voice. when felix raps, that's when it really shows. felix's voice is amazing. felix has freckles, and they are beautiful. felix knows stays love his freckles so much. one time felix wiped his concealer off his face so stays could see his freckles.
felix would wrinkle his nose when he smiles, and its really cute. felix hands are really small, but felix gives good massage. felix likes romance movies. felix's favorite word in english is lovely. felix said thats because stays are lovely.
felix's korean name is lee yongbok. felix didnt like being called yongbok but since stays like to call him yongbok felix grew fond of the name. stays called him lee haengbok because he radiates happiness on vlive and felix smiled widely. felix loves stays more than anything.
felix knows stays like the back of his hand. felix believes in stays. felix said he then finally believed he can outshine anything. felix makes everyone smiles effortlessly. felix is a ray of sunshine and everyone loves felix. felix is ethereal. felix deserves the whole world. ♡
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